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_ EN Cit. <br /> Ms. Evelyn Hubel <br /> November 2, 1999 <br /> Page 3 <br /> hydrocarbon impacted soil was transported to Forward Inc. Landfill in Manteca, California for <br /> disposal. Copies of the non-hazardous waste manifests are included in Attachment 4. <br /> Conclusions and Recommendations <br /> Soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons was encountered during the course of excavation and <br /> grading activities conducted onsite in association with site redevelopment. Soil impacted by <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons was encountered to the north and northwest of the former Discovery <br /> Chevrolet service bay building. Excavation and offsite disposal of approximately 177 tons of <br /> impacted soil was conducted in June and September 1999. Impacted soil was transported and <br /> disposed of as non-hazardous waste at the Forward, Inc. Landfill in Manteca, California. Soil <br /> verification samples and field observations of staining and volatile petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> made during the excavations provided verification that the majority of the soil impacted by <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons had been removed and only minor residual concentrations of <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons remained in soil onsite in the excavated areas north of the former <br /> Discovery Chevrolet service bay building. <br /> Based on the results of verification sampling and field observations made during excavation, <br /> ENSR recommends that no additional remedial excavation be conducted onsite north of the <br /> former Discovery Chevrolet service bay building. <br /> ' Study Limitations <br /> This report describes the results of ENSR's excavation and disposal of soil impacted by <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the subject site. In the conduct of this investigation, ENSR <br /> has attempted to independently assess the potential presence of such a problem within the <br /> limits of the established scope of work as described in our proposal. <br /> This report and all field data and motes where gathered and/or prepared by ENSR in accordance <br /> with the agreed upon scope of work and generally accepted engineering and scientific practice <br /> in effort at the time of ENSR's investigation of the sites. The statements, conclusions, and <br /> opinions contained in this report are only intended to give approximations of the environmental <br /> conditions at each site. Moreover, there are several major modifications that are inherent in the <br /> conduct of this or any other environmental due diligence examinations. <br /> i <br /> It is difficult to predict which, if any of the potential environmental issues identified will become <br /> actual problems in the future. Federal and state environmental regulations continually change, <br /> as do the enforcement priorities of the applicable government agencies involved. <br /> Even for problems currently identified, it is often difficult and sometimes impossible to accurately <br /> estimate the liabilities that may be involved in remedying the problems). The legal and <br /> technological standard for evaluating, remedying, environmental problems tends to be highly <br /> j dependent upon agency negotiations and the sometime arbitrary and unpredictable nature of <br /> agency officials charged with such negotiations. <br /> There is always the distinct possibility that major sources of future environmental liability have <br /> yet to manifest themselves to the point where they are reasonable identifiable through an <br /> external investigation such as the one conducted herein. <br />