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ATTACHMENT B <br /> FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES <br /> Health and Safety <br /> As required by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Standard <br /> "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines (29 CFR 1910.120), and <br /> by California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal-OSHA) "Hazardous <br /> Waste Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines (CCR Title 8, Section 5192), <br /> SECOR will prepare a Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan prior to the commencement of <br /> fieldwork. The Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan will be reviewed by the field staff and <br /> contractors before beginning field operations at the site each day. <br /> Geoprobe Borings and Groundwater Sampling <br /> The Geoprobe soil borings will be advanced using a Geoprobe rig fitted with a hydropunch <br /> or similar technology to collect groundwater samples at each location. Groundwater samples <br /> will be collected by lowering a stainless steel or Teflon bailer into accumulated groundwater <br /> in the borehole, then retrieving and transferring the water into laboratory supplied containers. <br /> The groundwater sample containers will be placed on ice for transport to the laboratory <br /> accompanied by chain-of-custody documentation. Down-hole boring and sampling <br /> equipment will be steam-cleaned prior to and following the completion of each soil boring. <br /> Down-hole sampling equipment will be washed in a tri-sodium phosphate or AlconoxTM <br /> solution between samples. <br /> Laboratory Procedures <br /> Selected groundwater samples collected will be analyzed for the presence of total petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA Method 8015 and benzene, toluene, <br /> ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and fuel oxygenates (MtBE, EtBE, TBA, TAME, DIPE, 1,2- <br /> DCA, EDB. methanol, and ethanol) using EPA Method 826013. <br />