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-r <br /> LU <br /> Static groundwater occurred at a depth of approximately 9 feet below grade on <br /> February 19, 1992. Groundwater samples were analyzed for TPH-gasoline, TPH-diesel, <br /> 4. and'BTEX compounds. Samples obtained from Wells U-1 throughU-b <br /> contained <br /> concentrations of TPH-gasoline from none detected to 4,700 parts ppb, none detected <br /> to ..340 ppb benzene, and none detected to 3,700 ppb TPH-diesel. The highest <br /> concentrations of TPH-gasoline and benzene were detected in Well U-5, while the <br /> highest concentration of TPH-diesel was detected in Well U-3. <br /> a <br /> 1. <br /> 1.2 Regional Hydrogeology <br /> The site lies at an elevation of approximately 47 feet above mean sea level (MSL) and <br /> is located in San Joaquin County, in the northern portion of the il <br /> San Joaquin Valley. <br /> The San Joaquin Valley is a broad, alluvium-filled basin bounded to the east by the <br /> Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and to the west by the Coast Ranges. The total <br /> thicknes&,of alluvial fill in the valley is estimated to be thousands of feet. The alluvial <br /> sediments�: generally consist of poorly sorted silt and fine sand with less extensive lenses <br /> L <br /> of medium to coarse-grained sand and gravel. Quaternary lacustrine deposits also <br /> occur in the central and western portions of the valley, and consist of clay, silt, and sand. <br /> Iii the vicinity of the site, surficial deposits are characterized as distal alluvial fan and <br /> r I� flood plain deposits. These deposits generally are less than 10 feet4hick and consist of <br /> silts, fine sands, and less extensive coarse sand and gravel lenses. Underlying deposits <br /> are referred to as older alluvium and reach a thickness of upto 400 feet. These <br /> deposits consist of 'interbedded clay, silt, sand, and gravel. Geomorphology and <br /> regional drainage patterns suggest a northerly direction of groundwater flow. <br /> p y <br /> I '9 <br /> . 4 <br /> 3100103/REPORT'S 3. r June 11, 1992 <br />