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r7the Chart above, it is noted that the entire soil profile has a uniform nitrate-nitrogen content <br /> throughout the property, down to 24.5 feet. These nitrate-nitrogen concentrations are low <br /> indicating the soils have not been under agricultural production for a period of time. This will <br />�l Z� contribute a lower concentration of nitrate in percolating vadose zone water than if the property <br /> were under agricultural production. <br /> Nitrification is an aerobic reaction accomplished predominately by autotrophic bacteria which <br /> convert ammonium (NH,') to nitrite (NO2) and subsequently to nitrate (N0D. As referenced :�lJ <br /> above, both the shallow and deeper surface and subsurface soils possess sufficient clay content to i <br /> bind the ammonium ions, and to create microsites within the clay lattices that are anaerobic, thus <br /> forcing denitrification. As discussed below, although the shallower east side soils did not <br /> demonstrate acceptable percolative capacity during the four-hour percolation tests, nevertheless, a <br /> small volume of septic effluent will infiltrate and percolate within future leachline trenches and Cs• <br /> nitrification should be impeded. <br /> C. PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS <br /> "Shallow, intermediate and deep percolation tests_wer'e conducted on all three of the potential parcel4•Y) <br /> areas.Nest locations are denoted on the APN map. In accordance with EHD requirements,-only f <br /> the shallow and deep perc tests are recognized as official. The intermediate depth tests done on the $� <br /> Middle and East Parcels were done to illustrate the potential for sump installation. The test results <br /> indicate sum s would not be viable at the east end of the proposed project. <br /> The perc test borings were drilled on April 30. The shallow and intermediate borings were <br /> scarified to open smeared soil surfaces caused by the drilling process and the loose material <br /> removed. It was not possible to scarify the deep borings. Three inch O.D. perforated pipe was <br /> placed in each boring after two inches of pea gravel was added. On the morning of May 5, the <br /> West and Middle test borings were presaturated with 12 inches of clear water. Perc testing <br /> commenced the following day. There was no standing water in any.of the-test borings after the 24 <br /> hour pre-saturation period. Each boring was perc tested for four hours in conformance with S.J.C. <br /> Policy EHD 02-02. <br /> During the perc testing of the West and Middle Parcel areas, the East Parcel test borings were 4�� <br /> presaturated for testing that started the morning of May 7. There was no standing water in the East <br /> borings at the start of testing. The East Parcel tests were also conducted for four hours. <br /> f <br /> As indicated on the FIELD PERCOLATION TESTING REPORTS found in Appendix 4, the . <br /> j shallow soils at the w_aaL=d and middle of the property exhibited acceptable, although <br /> comparatively slow perc rates, while theshallow soils at the east.end of the property revealed <br /> nonexistent percolation. As noted, the deep perc test for the est Parcel began wit acceptable <br /> perc rates, but then ercolation inexplicabl ceased. Tis at�peared to have been due to a cave-in. <br /> The perc test results are summarized below for each of the three proposed Parcels: <br /> 5 <br /> Chesney Consudting <br />