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C <br /> water sample was obtained from the domestic well that serves the residence on...the subject property:. _ (110 <br /> E nce the actual well is inside the detached garage, the water sample was taken from an outdoor <br /> nk/faucet. Two separate containers were usedfor the analyses. For nitrate and total alkalinity, a <br /> plastic bottle was used for-the sample and for the DBCP/EDB analysis a VOC bottle containing <br /> preservative was used. The-samples,were drawn-after,.the.wellpump-had run-for.ten minutes to <br /> f censure aquifer formation-water.was.sampled The samples were placed in a cooled ice chest and; <br /> transported to A&L Labs of Modesto, under the attached Chain of Custody.. <br /> Testing of the well water sample reveals a nitrate concentration'of 52 pnm .4 m NQ -N). The <br /> Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate (as NO3) is 45 ppm. Dibromochloropropane- <br /> was detected at 0.15 The MCL for DBCP is 0.0002 ppm or 0.2 µg/L. <br /> Therefore, the shallower aquifers are near the MCL for DBCP. Ethylene dibromide (EDB) was found <br /> to be non-detect. <br /> The nitrate-nitrogen loading calculations below are contingent upon the environmental factors - <br /> required for nitrification to occur. As discussed; these-conditions include-soil pore-space oxygen <br /> content, soil temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, and <br /> alkalinity. Alkalinity in wastewater effluent is derived from the domestic water supply and the _ <br /> introduction of wastes to the wastewater: Nitrification consumes approximately 7.1 mg of alkalinity <br />! for every milligram of ammonia-nitrogen (NH,-N) oxidized. Water chemistry results for the on-site <br /> domestic well indicate a Total Alkalinity of 232 mg/L. <br /> Assuming complete nitrification of a Total Nitrogen(TN) concentration of 53 mg/L, as determined in <br /> Section III D below, and considering that ammonium typically composes 70-90% of the total nitrogen <br /> in septic tank effluent, we find that: 53 mg N/L x 80% =42 mg NH4 NIL x 7..1 mg CaCO3 = 301 <br /> mg/L alkalinity required. However, only 232 mg/L of alkalinity exists in the upper groundwater. <br /> Therefore the alkalinity in the domestic water supply may be deficient if the TN will be <br /> approximately 53 mg/L, and nitrification may be inhibited to a slight extent. <br /> B. SURFACE 'WATER INFORMATION <br /> Surface water consists of all other water sources originating on the surface of the project, other than <br /> f septic system effluent. These sources include rainfall, surface runoff, domestic irrigation and on-site <br /> stormwater retention.. The attached San Joaquin County of Public Works - Isohyetal Map indicates <br /> 13.5 inches of rainfall to be the Mean Annual Precipitation in the area of the project. There should be <br /> no impact to surface waters from septic effluent provided applicable distance requirements as <br /> promulgated in the San Joaquin County Sewage Standards, are followed. <br /> - . 7 -- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />