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dp T <br /> viruses to occur. This is generally accepted to be five feet. Therefore, sufficient distance <br /> currently exists between the bottom of a Ieachline trench and the static water table depth. <br /> f Two well logs from nearby domestic wells illustrates varied geological strata of clay, sand and <br /> sandy gravel down to depths of 200 ft. From these two well logs, it can be observed that the <br /> upper zone of saturation consists of a clay-type, fine soil fraction. There is ongoing research <br /> fcant denitrification potential within aquifers composed of a <br /> which suggests there may be a signi <br /> fine (vs. a coarse) soil fraction. p <br /> The top groundwater sample was analyzed for the nitrate concentration. Test results reveal the <br /> water table to have a-nitrate (as NO3) concentration of 52 ppm {mg/L); which is 13% over the <br /> MCL of 45 ppm NO3. <br /> To determine the extent of nitrate impact to the underlying drinking water aquifers, two water <br /> samples were taken: The first sample was retrieved from the domestic well at 265Q8 South Banta <br /> Road, which is Parcel 1. This well was drilled in October I997. There was a waiver from a 200- <br /> ft grout seal for this well, which is normally required for all wells in this area; therefore, this well <br /> has only a I00-ft grout seal. The second sample was taken from 26444 South Banta Road, which <br /> is Parcel 3. No records were available for this well; however, it is probably more than 30 yrs old <br /> and was drilled to a shallow depth. The test results are illustrated on the attached WATER <br /> ANALYSIS REPORT and indicate-37 ppm NO3 for the Parcel 1 well. This corresponds with a <br /> well test of a domestic well at 26457 S. Banta that tested at 34 ppm NO3 two years ago. The <br /> Parcel 3 well tested at 49 ppm NO3. The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate (NO3) <br /> in drinking water is 45 ppm. Consequently, the drinking water aquifers exceed the MCL for NO3 <br /> by 4 ppm. DBCP and EDB were Below Detection Limits (BDL) and the Chloroform <br /> concentration supposedly originating from the All-Pure Chemical Company was 26 ,ug/L. There ► <br /> is no MCL for Chloroform. <br /> E. SURFACE WATER INFORMATION <br /> As referenced, there is a surface water retention pond for the existing development of Parcel 1 on <br /> the east side of the parcel. The other two parcels must have retention ponds if developed in the <br /> future. There should be no impact to impoundment water from any of the on-site Ieachfields as <br /> long as distance requirements are met. <br /> III. NITRATE LOADING STUDY RESULTS <br /> A. WASTEWATER FLOW PROJECTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS <br /> In accordance with the request of the Environmental Health Department, this nitrate loading <br /> study is to quantify the number of people (employees, customers, etc.) the three subject parcels <br /> can support without exceeding the MCL for nitrate. <br /> To determine nitrate-nitrogen loading from the project, wastewater flows must be determined as <br /> accurately as possible. Typically, loading projections are based on the maximum or total number <br /> 5 <br /> Vaffery AB research <br />