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h _1_100 - — - <br /> [5] CONCLUSIONS - <br /> The perc test result for the subject Parcel suggests there will be excellent effluent percolation at the <br /> slow leachline depth of 40-42 inches throughout the leach-field area: This was evidenced by the <br /> hal <br /> two perc tests performed on either side'of this area with.very similar results. The perc tests show l <br /> =:J that percolative capacity does not necessarily decrease.with`soil saturation, but is somewhat <br /> t. <br /> - <br /> influenced by head pressure.= - <br /> a <br /> It is important to note that all septic systems have a lifespan. This lifespan is dependant on several <br /> factors and is therefore difficult to determine. From the number of repairs and additions within the _ <br /> area,it is evident thatsepticsystem failure with_ in the shallow soils is a possibility. Since the septic <br /> system will have a lifespan,it is recommended that a financial"sinking fund"be initially established <br /> to assist in paying for a possible repair/replacement. <br /> Septic system failure would primarily result from the advanced formation of a"biomat"or"clogging <br /> mat" on the wetted soil/effluent interface. •This mat is composed mostly of aerobic and anaerobic - -- <br /> bacteria and bacterial products consisting of a slime of polyuronides and-polysaccharides. If the <br /> soil/effluent interface is well aerated,a variety of soil microfauna such as nematodes and protozoa <br /> may digest the clogging mat bacteria. Since the shallow subsurface soils consist of a higher porosity <br /> soil material,aerobic conditions will probably prevail overtime which may prevent leachline failure. - <br /> r Tli Leachline Requirement map published by the Environinental Health Department indicates the <br /> subject property is in the High Water Table Area, and that-seepage pits,are not allowed in this area. <br /> ri <br /> From our observations,'the leachfield soils have readily.-coiripactable'properties-under optimum - <br /> moisture conditions. 'Therefore, asstated in-the Development Title, Section 9-1110.4(c)(5): The <br /> leachfield area will be barricaded so it cannot be driven over;parked on, or used as a storage area. <br /> The leachfield area must be used for that specific purpose only and cannot contain any underground - <br /> utility lines. <br /> As referenced above, the leachfield must be hydraulically protected during the rainy season to <br /> prevent inundation. . If several people will be_ using the system,that is higher than originally <br /> estimated, consideration should be giver: to eventually over-sizing the septic system to <br /> accommodate additional wastewater flows. This may include the addition of sumps,but will depend <br /> upon PHS-EHD•discretion. A 100%standby replacement area to the west of the existing leachfield <br /> can be used for repair or addition: All related septic system. structures must:comply with the - <br /> published "distance".requirements from property borders,�roads, irrigation fields, etc. - <br /> j <br /> The upper nitrate concentrations found-in the underlying groundwater indicates there has been <br /> - nitrate impact to the underlying aquifer(s). ::This may be attributable to the obvious porosity of the <br /> fine-grained soils throughout the soil profile which may expediting the downward migration of . <br /> nitrate molecules. There appears to have been sufficient_fines within the soil matrix to theoretically <br /> -_ - promote denitrification.: <br /> Regardless of the nitrate concentration of any well water id rural areas,.it is recommended'fl at <br /> bottled water should always be used for drinking and cooking.purposes. = <br /> _ Page =4- - <br /> - _ 7Ja. Y AY Research <br />