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Y ' <br /> ytL <br /> ITEM#1 <br /> The Interstate 5/Bird Road interchange and.Road Specific Plan will specifically identify the planned roadway <br /> alignments and right of way requirements for the Bird Road realignment and extension to Gaffery Road and <br /> interchange with.Interstate 5. A more detailed description of this projectis contained in the attached <br /> document. This proposed Specific Plan follows an approval of a General Pian Amendment by the San Joaquin <br /> County Board of Supervisors to incorporate into the Comprehensive Plan, the planning of a new interchange <br /> on Interstate 5 to serve the Vernalis area. For the recent approval of this amendment to the General Pian, an <br /> Environmental Impact Report, entitled The Vernalis Interchange EIR, was prepared and certified. That <br /> certified environmental document should be a significant resource for the disclosure of potential environmental <br /> effects related to this Specific Plan proposal. <br /> ITEM#2 <br /> "50 acres will be required to provide the right of way for the interchange and new county road circulation <br /> system which will result in the loss of orchard trees and grazing land. A more detailed description of the <br /> impacts to agricultural lands is contained in Section 4.3.2 of the Vernalis Interchange Project EIR. <br /> (Ca41APP.0011 2s3376-04) <br />