Bqkm--30 to 33 inches;indurated duripan with 1 to 4 mm thick laminar capping;violently effervescent with disseminated lime and
<br /> common fine seams of lime;cementing agents are silica,iron and calcium carbonate;moderately alkaline(pH 8.0);abrupt wavy
<br /> boundary.(1 to 3 inches thick).
<br /> Bkq--33 to 60 inches;light gray(10YR 7/2),very pale brown(10YR 7/3)and pale brown(10YR 6/3)strongly cemented duripan,dark
<br /> brown(10YR 4/3),dark yellowish brown(10YR 4/4)and dark reddish brown(SYR 3/2,3/3)moist;massive;brittle;strongly cemented in
<br /> 75 percent of the matrix,weakly cemented in the remainder;violently effervescent with disseminated lime and common fine seams of
<br /> lime;cementing agents are silica,iron and calcium carbonate;moderately alkaline(pH 8.0).
<br /> TYPE LOCATION:Typical pedon of Vignolo silty clay loam,0 to 2 percent slopes,1,500 feet east of Ashley road and 1,200 feet north od
<br /> Highway 88;38 degrees 00'55"north lat.,121 degrees 12'46"west long.(in an unsectionized area)Waterloo quadrangle.
<br /> RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS:Depth to duripan is 20 to 40 inches.The mean annual soil temperature is 62 to 63 degrees F.The soil
<br /> moisture control section between depths of 5 and 20 inches is dry in all parts from June to October and moist in all parts from December
<br /> to April.The percent of fine sand or coarser is less than 15 percent,typically about 5 percent.Disseminated or segregated lime occurs at a
<br /> depth of 20 or more inches.
<br /> The A horizon has color of 10YR 4/2,4/3,5/2,5/3 or 7.5YR 5/2 and moist color of 10YR 3/2,3/3 or 7.5YR 3/2.The organic matter ranges
<br /> from 1 to 2 percent.It is silty clay loam or loam.
<br /> The Bw and Bk horizon has color of 10YR 6/3,6/4,5/2,5/3,5/4,4/3;7.5YR 6/4 or 5/4 and moist color of 10YR 4/3,3/2,3/3,3/4;or 7.5YR
<br /> 4/4.It is loam,silt loam,silty clay loam or clay loam.
<br /> The Bqkm horizon is strongly cemented to indurated in the laminar capping and strongly cemented in the underlying material.It has dry
<br /> color of 10YR 7/3,7/2,6/4,6/3,5/3;7.5YR 6/6,6/4,5/6 or 5/4.The primary cementing agent is silica and contains accessory cementing
<br /> elements of iron and calcium carbonate.
<br /> GEOGRAPHIC SETTING:Vignolo soils are on low fan terraces and alluvial fans.Slopes are 0 to 2 percent.The soils formed in alluvium from
<br /> mixed rock sources.Elevations are 40 to 110 feet.The climate is subhumid with hot dry summers and cool moist winters.Dense ground
<br /> fog often occurs in the winter months.Mean annual precipitation is 13 to 15 inches.The mean January temperature is 45 degrees F;
<br /> mean July temperature is 77 degrees F;and mean annual temperature is 60 degrees F.Frost-free period is 260 to 280 days.
<br /> GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS:These are the Archerdale anclHollenbeck soils.Archerdale soils are fine.Hollenbeck soils have
<br /> intersecting slickensides and has 40 to 60 percent clay in the upper 40 inches.
<br /> DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY:Moderately well drained;slow runoff;moderately slow permeability.
<br /> USE AND VEGETATION:These soils are used for irrigated cropland to grow orchards,row crops and field crops.Walnuts and cherries are
<br /> the main orchard crops.Beans,peppers and tomatoes are the main row crops.Alfalfa and small grains are the main field craps.
<br /> Vegetation is soft chess,wild oats,ripgut brome,turkey mullein and other annual grasses,forbs and scattered valley oaks.
<br /> DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT:Vignolo soils occur in the northeastern San Joaquin Valley.The soils are not extensive in MLRA-17.
<br /> SERIES ESTABLISHED:San Joaquin County,California,1990.
<br /> Based on available information,the mass transit properties of the site with regard to water soluble nutrients will be
<br /> moderate to moderately slow in the upper,arable soil horizons, with more rapid permeability on the lower soil.
<br /> Percolation testing showed a rate of 51.6 mpi at a depth of 3 feet', and a rate of 3 mpi at a depth of 10 feet'. The
<br /> presence of duripan at a depth of 4'+/-will slow the vertical migration of wastewater dispersing from the disposal
<br /> trenches. This restriction to the downward movement of wastewater and the presence of both oxic and anoxic
<br /> 'Neil O.Anderson,1999
<br /> 3 Kleinfelder,1989
<br /> Applied Wastewater Solution, Inc. Page 2 of 4
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