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averages nitrate loading and water dispersal across the entire lot. In this way it is similar to the Hanztch-Finnemore <br /> model. <br /> Nitrogen Loading Summary <br /> 1) OWTS: 34 pounds per year(ppy) <br /> 2) Fertilization : 6 ppy <br /> 3) Denitrification: -25% <br /> 4) Total nitrogen loading to the site:30 ppy <br /> The application of this nitrogen is diluted by water use. Industry standards use a value of 120 gallons per bedroom per <br /> day as a design application rate. For a five bedroom home (proposed for this site), a design value of 600 gpd would be <br /> appropriate. Lawn irrigation rates are generally 2-3 inches/week, which equates to approximately 1250 gallons per <br /> week per 1000sf. For the purposes of this analysis,we assume a 6-month irrigation window.Average rainfall for the <br /> area is 15 inches per year'. <br /> Water Loading Summary <br /> 1) Wastewater: 600 gpd, 219000 gallons per year(gpy) <br /> 2) Irrigation: 1250 gpw/1000sf x 2=2500 gpw x 26 weeks= 65000 gpy <br /> 3) Precipitation: 15 ipy x 44500 sf=416075 gpy <br /> 4) Total water introduced into the soil column: 700000+/-gpy <br /> Nitrogen concentration for the site, as calculated on an annual basis is derived by dividing the annual nitrogen loading by <br /> the annual water loading: <br /> 30 ppy x 700000 gpy=4.29x10-05 pounds per gallon, or 5.13 mg/L. <br /> Based on this analysis, it appears that the OWTS planned for this site will not result in nitrogen levels exceeding the MCL <br /> of 10 mg/L in the local groundwater. As such, no pre-treatment of the wastewater is required. <br /> /MENTAL <br /> R #6068 <br /> , <br /> s <br /> mJ�rf cAof <br /> 9 San Joaquin County Flood Control District,2016 <br /> Applied Wastewater Solution, Inc. Page 4 of 4 <br />