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r <br /> 4 � <br /> APPLICATION- SITE APPROVAL <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> 6 <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL"'I <br /> > � s � I <br /> EADNFORMATIQN' <br /> 1A3 <br /> �,[ISI,TfON;4C;PAF!�R, <br /> C� SIPS+� � kr9�e3 1 �gr�.�y �xx�'��r��6x r.�,'�� .,tis 39°'i�+�,hY^a �"�•;.. �- dC �" e � � s '�Y.a�' ,.?z i k' <br /> Describe an r areas sub ect to noodin (Include flood depths and flood panel map number): N A _.3. <br /> Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potablewafer, 123 feet - -potable water <br /> FDraina <br /> cribe an existingdrainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site(e.g.rivers,creeks,swales or drainage ditches); <br /> e ditch runs along Brandt Road, <br /> ltd USe_and BJOte�, p g <br /> Describe the slte's tapogra h ( forms,slo es,etc.: A au t <br /> Descrlbe a rlcultural land that will be lost as a result of the pro ect(type of crops,acr)s,qua!! 01 soil,etc.): N/A <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and s ecles that are of maybe resent: N <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site b e and extent: Norse <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust vehicle tris per da ,.fire places,Incinerators,etc,): <br /> N/A <br /> :3Y <br /> Descrfbe an Items of historical orarchaeolo !ca!Interest on-site{e.g.cemeteries or structures); N A <br /> Describe an on-she or off-site sources of nolse or vibration(e.g.freeway noise,heav Fulipmentetc,); <br /> West of the Pro ert . <br /> Describe an on-site or off-sJte sources of 1J ht of lace(e.p.earkinglot JI htin ,or reflective materials used): <br /> Describe an on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.agricultural wastes); NIA <br /> Describe an displacement of people that will be caused bX the project(eq.numbers of eo le,housing units): <br />