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KRC Aggregate,Inc. <br /> Quarry Excavation Permit Application <br /> Reclamation Plan <br /> The fallowing Reclamation Pian is' intended'to satisfy the requirements o£the California Surface <br /> Mining and y Reclamation Act {SMARA): as administered `by San' Joaquin C4unty. the <br /> organization".'f this plan follows applicable parts of the San Joaquin 'County .Community <br /> Development,Departmer t General Instructions and Reclamation:Pl' Xheckl st provided in the <br /> County's.Quarry Excavation Application Form: <br /> I. . DESCRIPTION.OF ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The purp9se of this section is to <br /> document the conditions at 4he proposed site phor to minin . The lead agency will use <br /> the informatioii irovided iri this section to identify tential adverse environmental <br /> im acts of theropLased mining-o eration. <br /> A. Mas Site Access: Provide a road mgp which clearly shows how to et to the site <br /> from the nearest town..- Exhibit I is a map showing the location of the KRC <br /> Aggregate, Inc. (KRC) mine site, access to the aline and the surrounding towns <br /> and roads. It also shows the existing permit area as well as the adjacent proposed <br /> "Permit Area", which is the subject of this application. <br /> i Too a hic Ma — Topographic features, including contours, slopes and <br /> drainage patterns are shown in Exhibit II. Topography of the surrounding areas <br /> within at least one mile of the mine site is shown in Exhibit IIA. <br /> R. Geology --Provide a descril2tion of the general geology of the area and a detailed <br /> description of the area in which mining is to be conducted. <br /> KRC's sand and gravel deposit is situated in the gently rolling foothills of the <br /> Sierra Nevada Mountains, which are located east of the site. West of the site lies <br /> the Great Central Valley of California, a major agricultural producing region. In <br /> this area are flat-lying continental sediments that dip slightly to the west and <br /> overlie steeply dipping metamorphic rocks. No known earthquake faults exist on <br /> or near the site. <br /> k <br /> Exploratory borings encountered the Turlock Lake Formation and the Laguna <br /> Formation_ The Turlock Lake Formation is Pleistocene Age arkosic alluvium <br /> consisting of mostly fine sand, silt, and clay, and some pebbles of granitic and <br /> metamorphic rock. The Turlock Lake Formation is typically reddish brown in <br /> color and contains a high percentage(20%to 401/o) of silt and clay. It is generally <br /> encountered in the upper 5 to 10 feet of the borings located east of Cord Road. <br /> The Laguna Formation is Pliocene Age arkosic glacial meltwater alluvium <br /> consisting of sand, silt, and gravel of quartz and metamorphic rock. The Laguna <br /> Formation is stratigraphically located beneath the Turlock Lake Formation. <br /> Distribution Copy Page I of 14 August 2, 2006 <br />