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APPLICATION - CONTRACT CANCELLATION <br /> XN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVEI MENT DEPARTMENT <br /> ?Y�s<:::�`r:iia2::a;r:{ ;%;:%;i�i�r:'•rr^.t�;4 ........ <br /> * .2;,.;. . .5,... ...t...,... <br /> :ut:;•}::a•:::::f.�::,vrti,.. ..ya:Ca:::::•.. ...r...r..?::r:r <br /> :•..t:.�:..' y,��w/�yyyy�� xxyyyy yy��**�� f2S'iik:::Ct:9:2:.,...... ...e.: G <br /> - ::.a:as::??a;:•:J:J:u:v::•o-:4s:....:..:::..•::r::.:::.:i.�..�,:..�v,......>. .'' tY)r ... :f.44+.1.\:a ::ii.. :..r../.>v::r:,::•::.. <br /> ,i <br /> ...k.;..}:>.�,�::.......,�.,�:.�,.�::•:•... . NA itF..rN�C�;a.SAR: tt.}a::a::;;.::.:,:a.t:.F.�.,. <br /> ::. <br /> :..w:ei::.i:a:.x.ia�::.. •:.:•.:�:::�:.�:.,�:.a..t::.,r.v^'ort�: ..F:. <br /> ..........�:.�?:.?A•?rx::::ato:.:,a�r.,..:-..,, ::.2:i..r;.r:�::�.�::...:..::..:,:.:::::..::.. <br /> :...........:.:::.:�::�:.�:>�:.�..���:r :::::.::.:..�.:�:...�.o-.:r.w,v:.:;:::...............,•: •.;}. .:...,..........:...:.:,.: <br /> ..... ....... ..... ,> »:rasa::: <br /> :.......:.. .:....:..�:5� :.:.}..:...::.::.......r::;�t:: a.aa<rr:�r:�:;::a' ... star•t]r.atn ,..ii>:r:.r',:... <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding (Include flood depths and flood panel map number): <br /> r Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> I <br /> a tely 160 feet <br /> f Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site (e.g. rivers, creeks or drainage ditches): <br /> a <br /> -.::::..�::.::::::...:..: :::.:::::�...... '.::�t<i:?:::::,.a,; :.::.:::;.�:.�:.:_'::::>;:•.: ....v.::F�:....:.::.::....: ..:::;.rti2•rr>::r:a:�rr:?::?::�::,i�,.�s:4::�:?::?;u.; <br /> ;.�:'2i:rr:r?:':r:'•::::•.::::•,.::.................�........r.:.v;:::�•:::�:::.::::..:::.�,..:: �.�::,:•:.-:::::::,... ., <br /> ::•7::v::.::.�:::::'.-:v <br /> �r:4'r:4: ?:•:i:�i:ii}'n:::P:is is Cy::'........ <br /> ...................:. :....::.> <br /> . nt :<:::::::<;>:>::::<:;::;::;<t:???t.:::.:.:::.:...t:.:::•... ..::.:.:::.:,t.:.::.:.::.:.:.:. <br /> i Describe the site's topography ( forms,slopes, etc.): <br /> the land is fairly flat <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project (type of crops, acres, quality of soil, etc.): <br /> a <br /> Norte will be lost. The grape vines on the <br /> k prope�r�ghhwepp�noott been tend in same time, until this ear when sent owner <br /> made' be <br /> Describe any wildlife habifat t. <br /> en-site and spec eo that erre of ma0y be present: <br /> taken ire O <br /> There may be the occasional wild rabbit. <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> r. <br /> s•.4r: r'r.r <br /> i::. ........,::•ta'�:?:::.�:.:.......r,.::o.};v;:::r.,y::.:,, :::•:::::.... .. tflit'i>!i?ii;:?iii:���.�` .::•.:::::.,.....:::::::.... <br /> +>a4s:i a::xo}:xa:oi:y v.w:...,..:::::.:.::.�...,.:...i.::;a:•x:;+;;::4.,:.,t},{+::Si::<}.�:. .....::.i:..r.....::` <br /> ...?................:..r:.:•:•:a:•:}•.::.::.::.�:.. r: :::::.�:,.:::.::.:.:::.�::�:::. 'ter::?::?::?:�:C�i::o-?':,�:�•: :....}.t :...,,., <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust,vehicle tripe per day,fire places, Incinerators, <br /> etc.): <br /> r <br /> ;:::��::::�.�::::..:.�.:..:..�.:.•::..�....:..:..:..:..r..r..:�....r.:..r..r..:i.4..t.v.,....:...;,.:..•...;...:...:......:..�.......:R. <br /> .:.......�..:....•...v..:..:..:..:..:..:..;......;..,.:........>.r....:........................................................:..:5.::............................,...•.:.::t.t.<..:.2r.}.}:.:.:?t?:::?::::,>? .:i.::�.:.:.Nam.wt>'rt:s.`:rv: <br /> :. <br /> .:�..::..:::::.::..:.... <br /> ,:.W:�:S.rr:4:a•rrkiaa;......,. <br /> Describe any Items of historical or archaeological Interest on-site (e.g. cemeteries or structures): <br /> r Naito <br /> k <br /> t <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration (e.g.freeway noise, heavy equipment, etc.): <br /> Nome <br /> Describe any traffic Increases: so of one CW two to the <br /> pc <br /> 6mcel <br /> Describe any on-she or off-site source of odor(e.g. agricultural wastes): <br /> None <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g, numbers of people, housing units): <br /> None <br /> .3- <br />