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n <br /> ` S =!Suf1Cicnt <br /> I = Insufficient <br /> S I 6.0 PERCOLATION TEST INFORMATION SECTION <br /> - ] 6.1 Site map showing the location, with concise and accurate dimensions of the percolation test holes on the parcel. <br /> ® 6.2 The minimum number of shallow and deep percolation tests was performed for each parcel. <br /> ® ' 6.3 Description of the date, time and protocol used to prepare the test hole, including depth and dimensions of hole, <br /> preparation of hole, and depth of water used to presoak(minimum 12 inches). <br /> ® -�- 6.4 Description of the date,time and condition of the test hole after the 24-hour soak period(hole still intact, hole dry, <br /> depth to water remaining in hole, etc.) <br /> ® 6.5 The test conformed to SJC Policy EHD 02-02(correct depth,diameter, 2"gravel,6"water refill, correct readings <br /> recorded). <br /> 6.6 Complete Percolation Test Form (including readings)was provided with REHS verification signature. The rate <br /> was correctly calculated using the last reading. <br /> ® 0 6.7 Discussion of any potential problems predicted and/or the need for an engineered or alternative septic system. <br /> ® 4' 6.6 Discussion of percolation rates in relation to the type, size and location of future leach fields needed at the site. <br /> 7.0 CONCLUSION SECTION <br /> ® 7.1 The report was signed and stamped by the appropriately registered individual <br /> Reviewed By: Michael F. Escotto Reviewed Date: 4/12/2007 <br /> ERD 26-02-003 Page 2 of 3 Sail Suitability Checklist <br /> ,it AYt l <br />