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Report:Groundwater-quality Monitoring-November 28, 2000: 7500 West Eleventh Street,Tracy, CA. Page 3 <br /> ' 1.5 Distribution of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface <br /> The site characterization program conducted during April and May 2000 included <br /> _ installation of seven groundwater-quality monitoring wells at the locations shown on <br /> Figure 2. Evaluation of the results of analyses of samples of groundwater recovered from <br /> i' those wells on May 11, 2000 and analyses of soil samples from the well borings and an <br /> array of push-probe borings, together with information regarding groundwater flow <br /> directions, sources of J leakage of fuel hydrocarbons into the subsurface and other <br /> i information gathered by the site characterization program yielded an interpretation that <br /> the site was affected by a primary plume of diesel and gasoline that affected both soil and <br /> groundwater, a secondary plume of diesel and gasoline, and dispersed low concentrations <br /> + of a variety of hydrocarbons in shallow soils having sources different from those of the <br /> primary and secondary plumes of diesel and gasoline. (The San Joaquin Company 2001.) <br /> -- <br /> Figure 2 is a plan view of the site showing the extent of the primary and secondary <br /> plumes of diesel and gasoline and the areas in which shallow soils are affected by other <br /> dispersed hydrocarbons. Figures 3, 4 and 5 illustrate the distribution of petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons along sections A-A' B-B' and C-C', the locations of which are also shown <br /> on Figure 2. <br /> 2.0 NOVEMBER 28, 2000 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYIS <br /> On November 28, 2000, the second round of groundwater-quality monitoring was <br /> _ .: conducted using monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-7, which were installed at the site <br /> in April 2000. The well locations are shown on Figure 2. Ms Lori Duncan, REHS was <br /> present on site to represent the SJCPHS and observed some of the procedures described <br /> f: i <br /> ...; below. <br /> 2.1 Groundwater Elevations and Flow Direction <br /> To initiate the November 2000 sampling program, the depth to groundwater in each of <br /> the seven monitoring wells was measured using a conductivity probe. The water table <br /> - ' elevations were computed relative to mean sea level(MSL). These measurements and the <br /> computed groundwater table elevations are recorded in Table 1. In the period between <br /> May 11 and November 28, 2000, the groundwater table had fallen about one foot. <br /> The groundwater elevation data presented in Table 1 was used to construct the water <br /> table contours for November 28, 2000 shown on Figure 2. The general direction of flow <br /> r ' through the subsurface where the fueling station infrastructure was formerly located is to <br /> the north-northeast (approximately north, 20 degrees east). However, as can be seen on <br /> 1 the figure, there is a significant curvature to the water table's contour lines in that area <br /> but that;curvature is less pronounced in areas further to the south and east where the <br /> contours, as interpreted on Figure 2, indicate a groundwater flow direction closer to true <br /> north. This groundwater table topography was not well developed in the water table <br /> contours that were constructed from depths to groundwater measured in the seven <br /> monitoring wells on May 11, 2000. However, as was noted at the time, there was an <br /> sic <br />