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Y <br /> f <br /> APPLICATION- USE PERMIT <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> ...............r y k iy 5 S- }.:1 �.>3}Y3.5:'.1..::5::5•)1: <br /> .,:.ks.4,£...>.t}ss} <br /> ENVIR0NR4ENTAL INFORMATION <br /> ..,'::.� ........<.Y'...t><. - SEAD13MONAL PAPER.IF NECESSAR srr rr }#•,.t ,.,..,:..Y 3i?r £,#�i}�isii�.i�33>�33�.�},s.. <br /> 5Mater,Drain a Ind Floodin •ir` #3i: £tit's ii Yk }}##r iY r,Y y }>t:fi:i::�iili�iY3 y3 kf3s:>f?i Y <br /> k <br /> Describe an areas subject to floodinginclude flood depths and flood ma number): �j NOW, <br /> .t <br /> Describe the current de�t of the ground water and dtpth to potab4e caster. <br /> Z1 <br /> I <br /> Describe anv Wdstlm drains a courses-or-eroded areas on or near the ro site e. .river ch reeks or drainage ditches <br /> I <br /> } 7 , s <br /> 4 <br /> i..iti......, r.:..i.:..}.. -,..:.....} .:.:...5.: ..::.:...}:......y.5.} .....:,i:t.and.Land Use and Biota > ....:..:, ' ...:,..:: ...:..:.. ...:.:.>.. >..:.,>„} ..a..:,....:.>t. <br /> Describe the site's to ra h e. .land forms slo s etc.: fi I5 i�A-P UAL FIAT - 1I6- <br /> IF-F-1(,AT1jZLJ 60WAt i5 FAKW. 4 5 LVr?E5� PU XJ S r F6, <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project or crops,acres,quai €of soil,etc-): NON& <br /> i <br /> I � <br /> Descrilx an wildlife habitat on-site ands les that are of may be resent: L <br /> i! <br /> Describe any vegetation on-slte bX and extent: A W OkV 1 FC6 '2- fA wJ&6 7T v�rvt�j <br /> L Wim ) TU L <br /> ............................................................. <br /> ............................................................. <br /> ................................ :::.:::........ <br /> ................................ <br /> ....;..:............ <br /> :. <br /> Air Qual <br /> d <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the profectLeg.constructlon related dust,vehicle tris F±r day,Ore places.Incinerators,eta: <br /> ... <br /> ::::::::::..................... ................-......:.....:. ........ . ................................,.... <br /> ::::::::::::::•::: ::::::::::::::: ::::.::;:: :::Other::::' ... ....:.:.-:::,::......::::::::::::::::::::::: <br /> I <br /> I, Describe any items of historical or archaeological Interest on-site e. .cemeteries or structures)i <br /> I <br /> Describe anX on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration(e.g.freeway noise,heavy equipment.etc.),. <br /> t1ta r <br /> Describe any on-site or oft-stte sources of light of glare_(e.g.parKing lot II htln or reflective materials uses! <br /> oN t i <br /> k <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.a ricuiturai wastes): <br /> OWE - MA N UPS 16 GLr,-' rll W DA I FP6"o Acregiz-Ij A,1G 1-0 <br /> KA <br /> Describe a nX displacement of Mple that will be caused by the pr2LeSf(e.g.numbers of people,tiovaln units <br /> �i <br /> Es <br /> l ,l <br /> i I <br /> Y <br /> -5- <br />