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�••. Report: Groundwater-quality Monitoring—January 26,2004: 7500 West Eleventh Street, Tracy,CA. Page 3 <br /> facility(Dietz Irrigation. 1999x). <br /> An initial phase of site characterization work was completed in May 2000. It included the <br /> installation of seven groundwater-quality monitoring wells (Nos. MW-1 through MW-7) <br /> at the locations shown on Figure 2. An extended phase of site characterization was <br /> initiated on March 25, 2002; it included the installation of an additional eight <br /> groundwater-quality monitoring wells, numbered MW-3A, MW-3B, MW-8 through <br /> MW-12, and MW-12A. It was completed on April 11, 2002, with a round of groundwater <br /> sampling and analysis that encompassed all 15 groundwater-quality monitoring wells by <br /> r, then extant on the site (The San Joaquin Company, 2002c). <br /> When groundwater was first recovered from groundwater-quality monitoring well MW-7 <br /> .r.. on May 11, 2000, the sample contained moderate concentrations of Total Petroleum <br /> Hydrocarbons quantified as diesel (TPHd) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons quantified <br /> as gasoline (TPHg), with commensurate concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethyl <br /> .. benzene and total xylene isomers (BTEX) and 22 µg/l, of methyl-tertiary butyl ether, a <br /> fuel oxygenate. Thereafter, the concentration of components of fuel hydrocarbons <br /> followed an increasing trend until the analytes of concern exceeded their maximum <br /> solubility in water (see Table 2). However,as early as the sampling round performed on <br /> November 28, 2000, no MTBE was detected in the samples recovered from Monitoring <br /> Well MW-7. It is believed that this does not indicate that, by that time, the groundwater <br /> 46. in the vicinity of the well was free of MTBE. Rather, that the high concentrations of other <br /> components of fuel hydrocarbons were such as to raise the method detection limit of the <br /> r MTBE analysis to a level greater than the concentration of that analyte actually present in <br /> that groundwater sample. <br /> i By April 11, 2002, it was clear that floating product was present in the surface of the <br /> groundwater in Monitoring Well MW-7; it continued to be present at various apparent <br /> thicknesses up to 0.58 ft. until the LNAPL-purging program in that well was initiated on <br /> November 8, 2003. The record of floating product thicknesses and the effects of purging <br /> that material from Monitoring Well MW-7 are presented in Table 3. <br /> 1.4 Geology and Hydrogeology <br /> The subject property and the surrounding area are situated on level terrain on the distal, <br /> northern slope of an alluvial fan. The shallow underlying alluvial sediments are of <br /> Quaternary to Recent age. <br /> y The site and the immediately adjacent property along the south side of West Eleventh <br /> Street and the west side of Chrisman Road have been extensively excavated and <br /> backfilled during prior filling station construction and remodeling, utility installation, and <br /> highway expansion. <br /> Beneath the paving and fill, the soils are composed of alluvial materials consisting of <br /> interbedded clays, silts and sands. These materials have been deposited in a complex <br /> lenticular form composed of relatively low permeability clays and silty clays inter- <br /> sic <br />