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Report:Groundwater-quality Monitoring—July 27,2004: 7500 West Eleventh Street,Tracy, CA. Page 5 <br /> beneath the ground surface and to be some 100 ft. thick. The total thickness of the <br /> underlying Lower Tulare Formation is not well documented; however, estimates suggest <br /> that it ranges in thickness from 300 ft. to greater than 1,400 ft. <br /> Figures 4-9 are hydrostratigraphic longitudinal and cross-sections drawn along section <br /> lines A-A' through F-F', the locations of which are shown on Figure 2. To reduce the <br /> complexity of the stratigraphy of the Navarra Site so that it is tractable to practical <br /> r= interpretation, the sections shown. on Figures 3-8 were developed by dividing the <br /> sediments into general classes based on their hydraulic conductivity and cation exchange <br /> capacity, which are the soil characteristics of primary relevance to contaminant transport <br /> analysis. In the cross-sections, the permeable gravels, sands and silts have been <br /> segregated from the relatively less permeable clays and silty clays. <br /> :: The depth to groundwater beneath the site varies seasonally between 7 and i 1 ft. <br /> Regionally, the general direction of groundwater flow is to the north toward the Old <br /> River anastomosic branch of the San Joaquin River, the closest tributary of which, the <br /> Tom Paine Slough, is one and one-quarter miles north of the 7500 West Eleventh Street <br /> site. However, locally, the shallow groundwater gradient tends to follow the topography, <br /> which, at the subject property, slopes gently to the north-northeast. The local direction of <br /> F-71 1 groundwater flow is also affected by the local sedimentary geology, particularly where <br /> continuous or semi-continuous sand strata provide channels for subsurface flow through <br /> less permeable facies. <br /> E- <br /> Based on pump tests that SJC conducted in similar strata at another location in Tracy, and <br /> from the observed rate of migration of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) through the <br /> subsurface, it is estimated that the sands beneath the site have a mean horizontal <br /> f hydraulic conductivity of approximately 1.5 to 10"2 cm/sec (The San Joaquin Company <br /> Inc. 1994, 2002c). The vertical permeability of the clay strata that separate the several <br /> aquifers present at depths in the range from ground surface to 50 ft. BGS was assessed by <br /> L-J a constant-head permeability test that was conducted on a sample of clayey soil recovered <br /> in April 2004 from a depth of 7.5 ft BGS. The vertical permeability of that sample was <br /> r> found to be 10.8 x 10"7 cm/sec. <br /> 1.5 Distribution of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface <br /> The several stages of tank removal, excavation and removal of contaminated soil and <br /> groundwater, site characterization and groundwater-quality monitoring that have been <br /> 1.,-4 conducted at the 7500 West Eleventh Street site since December 1998 have permitted <br /> synthesis of historic, geologic, hydrostratigraphic and geo-chemical data. That synthesis <br /> has resulted in the following interpretation of the distribution of hydrocarbons in the <br /> k: <br /> subsurface. <br /> 1.5.1 Primary Plume <br /> y The site is affected by a primary plume of diesel and gasoline that has affected both soil <br /> and groundwater. As is shown on Figures 2 through 8, it emanates from the area where <br /> SJC <br />