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--' - <br /> Report: Groundwater-quality Monitoring—June 23-28,2005, 7500 West Eleventh Street, Tracy, CA. Page <br /> • ,. _:::.� that analyte actually present in that groundwater sample <br /> E By April 11, 2002, it was clear that floating product was present in the surface of the <br /> groundwater in Monitoring Well MW-7. It continued to be present at various apparent <br /> LNAPL-purging program in that well was initiated on <br /> thicknesses up to 0.58 ft. until an <br /> -�; November 8, 2003. As part of the further extension of the site characterization program in <br /> five floating product monitoring wells were installed at the locations shown <br /> on Figure 2 to investigate the down-gradient extent to which LNAPL may have migrated <br /> April 2004, <br /> in the interior of the plume of affected groundwater emanating from the 7500 West <br /> s was <br /> Eleventh Street property. The tereaso made toess of td floating <br /> roduct in <br /> the presence of LNAPLthose five Ion the <br /> checked at that time and tests w MW-13 and MW-14. The <br /> water table in groundwater-quality monitoring wells MW-7, <br /> an July 26 <br /> same array of wells was again checked for the presence of floating pro t of LNAPL <br /> and October 27, 2004, and on February 24, 2005. The historical record <br /> k>! thickness measured in the array of floating product monitoring wells through February <br /> 24, 2005 is presented in Table 3. <br /> r <br /> 1.3.4 Testin of Water in Potable Water-su 1 wells <br /> r At the direction of the SJCEHD, <br /> the quality of water in six potable water-supply wells in <br /> Site was analyzed in April 2004. Second, <br /> third and <br /> the neighborhood of the Navarra <br /> fourth rounds of sampling and analysis of the water produced from those wells were <br /> conducted on July 27 and October 28, 2004 and on February25, 2005. This report <br /> fifth quarterly monitoring round of that program. <br /> includes the results of the <br /> 1.3.5 Evaluation of Natural Attenuation <br /> In addition to the groundwater-quality monitoring round that was conducted in February <br /> and March 2005, an extensive program of field testing, laboratory analysis and <br /> geochemical and engineering studies was completed to investigate the progress of natural <br /> attenuation processes that are reducing the contaminant load in groundwater beneath the <br /> t ' Navarra Site. That work demonstrated that there is strong primary and secondary <br /> evidence that natural attenuation is aggressively reducing contaminant concentrations in <br /> the subsurface and that those processes alone will be sufficient to adequately remediate <br /> the groundwater within a reasonable time, which is estimated to be on the order of 10 to <br /> fr> 20 years (The San Joaquin Company Inc. 2006). <br /> 1.4 Geology and Hydrogeology <br /> The subject property and the surrounding area are situated on level terrain on the distal, <br /> northern slope of an alluvial fan. The shallow underlying alluvial sediments are of <br /> Quaternary to Recent age. <br /> The site and the immediately adjacent property along the south side of West Eleventh <br /> i <br /> ' Street and the west side of Chrisman Road have been extensively excavated and <br /> backfilled during prior filling station construction and remodeling, utility installation, and <br /> -' <br /> sic <br />