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I. INTRODUCTION <br /> This report issues my investigative findings regarding the Nitrate Loading Study conducted for the <br /> project referenced on the Title Page. This Study was required because of new regulations enacted <br /> by the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department(EHD)to ensure nitrate loading <br /> standards would not be exceeded when new improvements occur on a subject Parcel. Specifically, <br /> concerns regarding nitrate loading could potentially occur when second unit dwellings are <br /> constructed on comparatively small parcels. <br /> Mr. Galvan and his tenant, Mr. Robbie Garzini are proposing to refurbish an existing shop <br /> structure on the subject property into a two-bedroom guest house. The 0.91 acre property <br /> currently contains the shell of this structure along with a three-bedroom single family residence <br /> (SFR) structure adjacent to Clover Road. Nearby surrounding land use is rural residential. Land <br /> use further from the subject property is the I-205 Freeway, the City of Tracy, and to the north, <br /> predominately agricultural land. This land use is illustrated on the attached Google soil map <br /> photo. As noted on the attached SJC District Viewer map,the subject property is located 400 ft <br /> east from the intersection of Clover Road and Corral Hollow Road. <br /> Within the text of this Report, Bolded Section (§)numbers are referenced at the beginning of an <br /> applicable Paragraph(s), or Appendix that corresponds with the EHD Nitrate Loading Study <br /> Requirements Checklist. Other portions of text may also apply to other sections of the <br /> Checklist. <br /> The following summarizes the investigative parameters included to complete this report: <br /> • Soil chemical testing was conducted on a soil sample retrieved in the proposed location of <br /> the new leachfield area. Physical testing of the soil sample included texture particle size <br /> analysis for sand, silt and clay content, and chemical testing analyses for the constituents <br /> that influence nitrate loading. <br /> • The nitrate loading to the on-site soils in combination with nitrate impact potential to the <br /> underlying groundwater from percolating effluent was quantified through generally <br /> accepted calculations. An assessment of the characteristics of the on-site soils was made <br /> to discuss the mitigation of nitrate impact. <br /> SOIL INFORMATION <br /> C�NLS§ 1.1. The attached USDA Soil Map indicates the Map Unit Name soil type is#118 and is <br /> 5 Zo Capay clay with the remaining percentages listed as six other soil types. As referenced, a <br /> soil sample was retrieved from a three-ft depth for physical and chemical analyses. The attached <br /> texture analysis reveals the on-site soils at the three-ft depth consists of a clay loam, with sand, silt <br /> and clay percentages of 36%, 31% and 33%respectively. The clay content of the on-site soils can <br /> be considered highly significant. <br /> Page 1 of 12 <br />