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CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Section (c) of San Joaquin County Development Title 9-905.12 states "Corrective Action: If the <br /> report indicates there are surface and subsurface contamination, corrective action shall be <br /> recommended in the report and concurred with by Environmental Health prior to the issuance of the <br /> building permit." The only environmental concerns observed on the subject property were the <br /> referenced household de minimus environmental items,which can be found at virtually every � <br /> residence, and is therefore, inconsequential. A final inspection of the property was conducted on July <br /> 19, 2004. <br /> Potential environmental impact from the listed sites suggests that there is no possibility of adverse <br /> impact to the subject property due to the distances involved. The closest referenced sites located in <br /> the Envisions Program Information at EHD and GeoTracker are crossgradient in relation to the <br /> subject property. Potential environmental impacts from past, present or future facilities within a one <br /> mile radius is unknown at this time, but highly unlikely. <br /> It is my professional opinion that since the property has not been farmed, potential impact from <br /> agrichemicals can be considered low-to-nonexistent, other than from DDT. Considering the <br /> environmental fate data for DDT and related compounds presented above, which would be the most <br /> likely persistent agrichemical, and most likely to have been used on the property prior to 1972,reveals <br /> any concentrations that may exist should be extremely low. The depth to groundwater of 100 feet <br /> would make impact from adverse constituents a very low probability in comparison to a shallow <br /> groundwater depth. <br /> The probability for nitrate contamination of the underlying aquifers originating from surrounding <br /> septic systems is extremely low due to the very low density of systems in the study area. However, <br /> nitrogen fertilization of surrounding cropland may contribute to a higher nitrate concentration in the <br /> underlying groundwater. <br /> Prospective buyers of proposed Parcel 2 must realize the subject property is surrounded by <br /> agricultural production land. Consequences of this surrounding land use include: pesticide/herbicide <br /> applications, noise, dust, odors, insects, machinery, crop dusting aircraft, trucks, exhaust and other !i� <br /> environmental effects that may be offensive to some people. It is recommended that these <br /> environmental effects be conveyed to any prospective purchasers, especially with regard to the <br /> County"Right-to-Farm" Ordinance. <br /> Page -5- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />