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V %TC <br /> � <br /> ff1 <br /> r E-3 <br /> A 5 SO C I ATE S INC . <br /> ♦ Criterion 8: <br /> Since minimal activity would be conducted at the site, the impact on the community would be <br /> very minor and not disruptive to the businesses located on the site and nearby. <br /> 8.2 Soil Excavation <br /> ♦ Criterion 1: <br /> This alternative significantly increases the exposure of humans through volatilization of the <br /> contaminants and inhalation of and dermal exposure to dust and vapors created during <br /> excavation activities. The potential fire or explosion hazard should be minimal due to the <br /> relatively low levels of documented residual hydrocarbons. <br /> ♦ Criterion 2: <br /> E=:3 This alternative would not reduce the concentration of contaminants in the soil unless aeration r <br /> 4' of impacted soils occurs during transport and landfilling activities. It would not be possible to <br /> remove all the impacted soil without destruction of the building on site due to the proximity of <br /> the former USTs to the building. Soil excavation would effectively eliminate the contaminants <br /> in the soil and would eliminate additional impacts on groundwater at the site by removing the <br /> secondary source of contamination. Groundwater would seep into the pit during the soil <br /> f= <br /> - excavation. The groundwater would be pumped into vacuum trucks and recycled at an <br /> appropriate facility. This would significantly reduce the quantity of petroleum hydrocarbons in <br /> groundwater. <br /> ♦ Criterion 3: <br /> This alternative can be implemented within regulatory guidelines. <br /> ♦ Criterion 4: <br /> This alternative is the.least cost effective of the three alternatives due to high costs associated <br /> G_3 with implementation. The fact that the impacted soil extends to a depth of 25 feet make this <br /> alternative economically unfeasible. The building on site would be destroyed or extensive <br /> shoring would be required. Costs associated with treating the soil on site or disposal of <br /> contaminated soil to an appropriate landfill, backfilling the excavation with clean material, and <br /> pumping and disposing of the groundwater from the pit also increase the total cost of <br /> remediation. The cost of this remediation alternative is be between$200,000 and <br /> $400,000. <br /> ___ ♦ Criterion 5: <br /> The alternative would be effective in the short term because it results in the direct removal of <br /> the contamination source. Excavation would increase health-based risks to humans via <br /> exposure of the impacted soil to the air and inhalation of and direct dermal contact with dust <br /> during site activities. The time required to complete this alternative would be less than b <br /> months. <br /> w:W51221reporN\parcap.doc l i <br />