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:. ------ <br /> V w <br /> A S S O CIAT ES I N C . <br /> ...-fit <br /> extent is inferred. The extent of contamination to the north is defined by borings SB3 and SB5. E <br /> The extent of contamination to the west and the east are inferred. Dissolved petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons beneath the site appear to attenuate with distance from the central portion of the I� <br /> site as evidenced by analytical data summarized in Table 2. f <br /> 4 5.0 POTENTIAL RECEPTORS AND PATHWAYS <br /> 5_1 Potential Receptors <br /> At the request of the PHSIEHD, Smith Technology conducted a search of the Department of <br /> Water Resources (DWR) groundwater well construction logs to identify any groundwater wells <br /> -� located within one-half mile of the site. The search revealed thirteen wells located in the vicinity <br /> of the site. None of the thirteen wells are located close enough to the site to be considered <br /> potential receptors. Well logs for the on-site water supply well were not found in the DWR <br /> records. The on-site well is the closest potential receptor to the plume (within approximately 120 <br /> feet crossgradient of the plume). At the writing of this report, no data was able to be obtained <br /> F from the property owner, tenant or PHSIEHD concerning the well depth, screen interval or depth <br /> of seal. The potential receptors survey is detailed in Smith Technology Corporation's Additional <br /> Sod and Groundwater Report, Fayette Manufacturing Corporation, 7675 West Eleventh Street, <br /> Tracy, California, dated January 31, 1997. <br /> 5,2 Potential Pathways <br /> The site plan showing the facility and the utility lines under the site, as provided by the tenant, <br /> _. were examined for preferential pathways for the migration of contaminants. The building on site <br /> F- is constructed on a thick concrete pad, according to the property owner, and is located over a <br /> portion of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume. The pad would prevent any petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> rom migrating into the building. In addition, the open <br /> vapors located in soil under the building f <br /> areas of the site are overlain by asphalt which would be expected to impede vapor contamination <br /> pathways. Based on this information, there are no preferential pathways for the migration of <br /> contaminants. The preferential pathways were discussed in detail in Smith Technology <br /> Corporation's Additional Soil and Groundwater Report, Fayette Manufacturing Corporation, <br /> �.. , <br /> 7675 West Eleventh Street, Tracy, California, dated January 31, 1997. <br /> 6.0 DISCUSSION <br /> The following paragraphs summarize the results of the subsurface investigations performed at the <br /> project site. <br /> 1. The vadose zone, from 0 to approximately 8 feet bgs, consists of silty clay. The capillary <br /> fringe, from approximately 8 feet to 11 feet bgs, consists generally of silty to sandy clay. <br /> =' The soil beneath the capillary fringe, from approximately 11 feet to 25 feet bgs, consists <br /> generally of sand and silty clay. <br /> w:1951221reportslparcap.doc 6 <br />