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Z <br /> Bioremediation Parameter Results <br /> Samples of groundwater were collected from monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-8 and were analyzed for <br /> the biodegradation indicator parameters discussed above. The results of these chemical analyses are <br /> presented in Table 2. <br /> Low concentrations of dissolved oxygen were recorded in samples collected from the center of the plume <br /> (from MW-2 and MW-3) with respect to samples collected from the other wells, which suggests aerobic <br /> biodegradation is occurring. However, the dissolved oxygen values recorded were measured during the well <br /> purging process and may be not be representative of actual conditions due agitation/oxygenation of the <br /> groundwater during well purging. <br /> Elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide were recorded in samples collected from the center of the plume <br /> with respect to samples collected from the other wells,which suggests aerobic biodegradation is occurring. <br /> Slightly lower nitrate concentrations recorded in samples collected from the center of the plume with respect <br /> to samples collected from the other wells, suggest anaerobic biodegradation may be occurring. <br /> The redox potential measured in all the samples was negative. Negative redox potential data are consistent <br /> with low levels of dissolved oxygen and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide. <br /> The total alkalinity concentrations recorded in samples collected from the center of the plume was <br /> generally similar or slightly elevated with respect to samples collected from the other wells, which suggest <br /> biodegradation may be occurring. <br /> GEOTRACKER DATA UPLOAD <br /> The depth to water data and laboratory data associated with the July 8, 2005 sampling event were submitted <br /> electronically to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Geotracker database (confirmation <br /> numbers 9477940201 and 9842487275, respectively). The laboratory data associated with the two domestic <br /> wells sampled on September 8, 2005, was also submitted to the Geotracker database (confirmation number <br /> 1749676883). Documentation of the data submittal is contained in Attachment 3. <br /> CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> The laboratory analytical results of the groundwater samples collected on July 8, 2005, are generally <br /> consistent with recent historical results. Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the groundwater samples <br /> collected from MW-1, MW-5, MW-7, and MW-8 decreased with respect to the previous sampling event. <br /> The concentrations of TPHg and ethyl benzene in the groundwater sample collected from MW-3 increased <br /> and the concentrations of benzene and MTBE decreased with respect to the previous sampling event. <br /> Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the groundwater samples collected from MW-2 and MW-4 <br /> increased with respect to the previous sampling event and the concentrations of TPHg, benzene, ethyl <br /> benzene, and xylenes concentrations in the sample collected from MW-4 increased with respect to the <br /> previous sampling event. Petroleum hydrocarbons have not been detected in groundwater samples collected <br /> from MW-6 since January 2004. The results of the biointrinsic remediation parameters suggest subsurface <br /> s:\Environmental\17861\reports\3gmr2005.doc 6 ATC Associates Inc. <br />