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L <br /> ATC <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> wells MW1, MW2, MW3, and MW5 at concentrations of 2.0 µg/L, 6.7 µg/L, 2.7 gg/L, and 2.3 <br /> pg/L, respectively. TBA, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, 1,2-DCA, and EDB were not detected at or <br /> above the laboratory reported detection limit in any of the samples. Analytical results of <br /> groundwater samples are summarized in Table 2. Laboratory data sheets and chain-of-custody <br /> documentation are contained in Appendix C. Isoconcentration maps depicting the benzene and <br /> MTBE concentrations detected in groundwater samples collected on January 26, 2005, are shown <br /> on Figures 4 and 5, respectively. <br /> 4.0 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION <br /> Water level measurements were collected from wells MW 1 through MW3 and MW5 through <br /> MW8 on January 26, 2005 prior to collecting samples from these wells and prior to development <br /> of wells MW7 and MW8. The water level measurement data collected on January 26, 2005 were <br /> used to evaluate the groundwater flow direction. Water levels in shallow groundwater measured <br /> 6" on January 26, 2005, ranged from 7.52 to 9.00 feet below the tops of the well casing elevations. <br /> The water level data collected on January 26, 2005, were used to develop the groundwater <br /> elevation contour map (Figure 3). Shallow groundwater flow beneath the site is generally toward <br /> the north. The average hydraulic gradient on January 26, 2005, was calculated to be approximately <br /> 0.0017 ft/ft or approximately 9.0 ft/mile. A summary of groundwater monitoring data is <br /> presented in Table 1. <br /> V!r <br /> 5.0 GEOTRACKER DATA UPLOAD <br /> The monitoring well survey data were submitted electronically to the State Water Resources <br /> Control Board (SWRCB) Geotracker database (confirmation number 1863728165). Depth to <br /> water data and the laboratory analytical data associated with the first quarter 2005 sampling event <br /> were also submitted electronically to the SWRCB Geotracker database (confirmation numbers <br /> 6831906139). Documentation of the data submittal is contained in Appendix D. <br /> 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> The laboratory analytical results of the groundwater samples collected on January 26, 2005, are <br /> generally consistent with recent historical results. Well MW4 was below water and was not <br /> monitored or sampled during this current groundwater monitoring event. The groundwater <br /> elevation has increased on an average of 0.21 feet since the November 2004 groundwater <br /> monitoring event. The groundwater gradient direction is consistent with previous sampling events. <br /> Based on recent groundwater quality data associated with groundwater samples collected from <br /> the site, ATC recommends to continue quarterly groundwater monitoring during the second <br /> quarter 2005 and surveying the wells by a certified land surveyor according to SWRCB standards. <br /> ATC anticipates conducting the second, third, and fourth quarter groundwater monitoring events <br /> Lam- for the year of 2005, if petroleum hydrocarbons dissolved in groundwater are not detected in <br /> future samples collected from the downgradient wells (MW6, MW7, and MW8), ATC <br /> recommends no further action for the site. <br /> SAEnviromenta1\17861-Glover\REPORTS\2005QMR1 andwellinstallreport.doc 5 <br /> v <br />