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v <br /> -� <br /> boo <br /> A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> Equation 1 describes the biodegradation of a shrinking plume where the concentrations of a <br /> contaminant at a specific monitoring well are observed to decline with time. Equation 2 describes <br /> the biodegradation of a stable plume where the concentrations of contaminants remain the same <br /> over time. Using Equation 2, the biodegradation decay rate is calculated using contaminant <br /> concentrations observed in three or more wells that are located near the source and on the <br /> downgradient side of the plume. The plume at the site is a stable plume as evidenced by the <br /> relatively consistent chemical analytical results seen the monitoring wells over the past four years, <br /> and as such Equation 2 is used to calculate the biodegradation decay rates for benzene and TPHg. <br /> The most recent benzene and TPHg results for wells MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4 were used for this <br /> analysis. Figures 11 and 12 show the exponential fit and the resulting equations for April 1999 <br /> data. Using a groundwater advective velocity of 11.4 feet per year (derived from geophysical <br /> laboratory tests and site measurement data), the decay rate (k) for TPHg and benzene is 0.0012 <br /> and 0.0017 per day, respectively. These decay rates are conservative estimates because the TPHg <br /> and benzene data for MW-3 lie below the exponential curve. As a result, the biodecay rates for <br /> gasoline and benzene are probably even greater than those calculated. <br /> The biodecay half-fife (ty,) for a chemical is the time required for the chemical in question to <br /> degrade to one-half its original concentration. The equation for calculating the half-life of a <br /> chemical is shown below (Dominico and Schwartz, 1990). <br /> t%_(In 2)/k <br /> As a result, the half-lives for benzene and TPHg at the site are 578 days and 408 days, <br /> respectively. <br /> bw Given the biodecay rates for TPHg and benzene calculated above, the time required to biodegrade <br /> TPHg presently in groundwater to 100 ppb (taste, odor threshold) and benzene presently in <br /> groundwater to 1 ppb (MCL) can be calculated by rearranging equation 1 as shown below. <br /> In (C/C;)_-kt <br /> Using 1,600 ppb for C; as TPHg and 970 ppb as C; for benzene, the time required to biodegrade <br /> these analytes to the regulatory levels stated above is 6.3 and 11.1 years, respectively. As a <br /> result, potential petroleum hydrocarbons that leach from the vadose zone and become dissolved in <br /> V groundwater beneath the site are intrinsically biodegraded to these regulatory levels within about <br /> 11 years. <br /> 4.2.2 Assimilative Capacities for Biodegradation of BTEX <br /> The assimilative capacity is a semi-quantitative estimate of the potential mass of BTEX <br /> •- compounds that can be degraded by aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation processes. The <br /> assimilative capacity is calculated using biodegradation process stoichiometric relationships <br /> between the mass per unit volume of each electron acceptor (and biodegradation byproduct) to <br /> wA95122\repotts\ReVest for NFA.doc 12 <br /> r <br />