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A S S O C I A T E S I N C <br /> Here, only benzene was detected above laboratory detection limits at a <br /> concentration of 1.7 ug/L (Table 2). <br /> Criterion 3: No existing water supply wells, deep aquifers, surface waters or other <br /> receptors are threatened by pollutants remaining in the aquifer. <br /> Utilizing the geophysical analytical results of soil samples collected from the <br /> upper sand strata by Smith Technology, the estimated time for the hydrocarbon <br /> plume to reach the on-site domestic well (the nearest groundwater receptor) is <br /> 20 years by advection alone. However, potential petroleum hydrocarbons that <br /> leach from the vadose zone and become dissolved in groundwater beneath the site <br /> are intrinsically biodegraded to these regulatory levels within about 11 years. <br /> The on-site well is the closest groundwater receptor to the plume (within <br /> approximately 100 feet crossgradient of the plume). The well's total completion <br /> depth is 139 feet bgs with perforated casing extending from 130 feet to 139 feet <br /> bgs. A 100-foot cement grout sanitary seal extends from the surface to 100 feet <br /> bw below grade. As previously mentioned, clay is present from 22 to 51 feet bgs; and <br /> from 70 to 131 feet bgs. <br /> The second nearest groundwater receptor is located approximately 330 feet <br /> southeast, generally crossgradient, of the site's former UST locations. This well's <br /> total completion depth is 95 feet bgs with perforated casing extending from 65 feet <br /> to 70 feet bgs. A 50-foot cement grout sanitary seal extends from the surface to <br /> 50 feet below grade. A log of the well's borehole indicates the lithology includes <br /> sand from 18 to 24 feet bgs; clay from 24 to 46 feet bgs; alternating gravel and <br /> sand units from 46 to 90 feet bgs; and clay from 90 to 150 feet bgs. <br /> DWR well construction logs of wells within 2,000 feet of the site indicate that <br /> none are screened in the predominantly sandy water-bearing unit present at <br /> approximately ± 10 feet to ± 20 feet bgs. This sandy unit appears to be laterally <br /> continuous across the well survey area. Clay underlying the sand appears to be a <br /> continuous, confining stratum extending across the study area with a thickness of± <br /> 25 feet. This would be expected act as a physical barrier against contaminants <br /> r. migrating vertically from above the overlying sand strata. <br /> The deep aquifer is protected from the overlaying confining Corcoran Clay layer. <br /> Criterion 4: The total pollutant mass remaining in the groundwater is decreasing at <br /> predicted rates and neither creates, nor threatens to create, a risk to human <br /> •- _ health and safety or future beneficial uses of the aquifer. <br /> wA95122Veports\RequeA for NFA doc 16 <br />