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CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> In summary, the shallow soil conditions examined near the proposed septic system <br /> drain field appear to be suitable. A satisfactory soil percolation rate of 2.1 minutes per <br /> inch was observed for the shallow percolation test. <br /> The depth of ground water based on recent aquifer levels is approximately 30 to 44 feet <br /> below the ground surface, depending on the season. The ground-water flow direction <br /> could not be determined in the vicinity of the Site. <br /> The on-site irrigation water well (planned for future winery use) was tested once for <br /> nitrate and twice for DBCP. Nitrate was detected at a concentration of 1.4 mg/L-N in <br /> the water sample, well below the US EPA's Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 <br /> mg/L-N. DBCP was detected in both samples at concentrations of 0.25 and 0.28 µg/L, <br /> slightly above the MCL of 0.2 ug/L. For health reasons, we recommend that well water <br /> not be consumed until DBCP levels can be reduced to below the MCL. Use of water <br /> filters or deepening the well could potentially improve the water quality. Utilizing bottled <br /> water for drinking also may be a good alternative to consider. The San Joaquin County <br /> Environmental Health Department may be able to provide additional suggestions. <br /> Based on the existing residence and proposed project, the use of on-site septic tanks <br /> and drain field systems on the Site is not expected to cause a buildup of nitrate in the <br /> aquifer above 1.2 mg/L-N. This level falls well below the US EPA drinking water <br /> recommendation of 10 mg/L-N. <br /> We believe the Site suitable for the use of septic systems utilizing leach lines, leach <br /> lines and shallow sumps, or a filter bed. As discussed in the On-Site Wastewater <br /> Treatment Systems Standards (2017), a percolation rate of greater than 1 min/in but <br /> less than 5 min/in requires 20 feet separation from the bottom of the septic system to <br /> ground water; the estimated depth to water in the area of the Site is 30 to 45 feet. <br /> Based on the satisfactory result of the nitrate loading calculation, no nitrate mitigation is <br /> recommended. <br /> LOGE 1841 Page 14 <br />