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(§ 1.0) INTRODUCTION <br /> This Soil Suitability Study presents the results of our investigation concerriin ,the sol <br /> characteristics and groundwater under the subject property referenced`on the Title Pa ie. <br /> was completed to satisfy the requirements of the San Joaquin Environmental Health De artmentOur �y <br /> (EHD);.specifically:I.)7o'determine if the four Parcels that are proposed to be subdivided <br /> acceptable for the proper operation of a septic system which will function as intended for its <br /> �e <br /> anticipated lifespan;and 2.) 'on <br /> and recommendaiions based-upon the environmental i <br /> criteria encountered in this study. Our report is in compliance with the requirements for a Soil <br /> Suitability Study under Development Title Section 9-1105.2 Item d of the i <br /> Ordinance Codes. {. ) San Joaquin County <br /> Within the text of this Report;.bolded Section. _- <br /> applicable sentence,-paragraph or Appendix that co e b and with treferencedlbe at the beginning of an <br /> for Soil Suitability Studies. he EHD Requirements Checklist <br /> (§ 2.1, 4.2-and 4.4) Two well water constituerits are typically sampled for EHD requirements: <br /> nitrate and the agrichemical DBCP (Dibrbmochloropropane). The surrounding, and on-site land <br /> use around this project was grassland before the planting of the on-site vineyard and the planting of <br /> surrounding agricultural crops. However, since there is vineyard-prodtisubject property, it is EHD's prudon currently on the <br /> ent policy to test the well for DBCP to ensure it is not present: <br /> (§ 2.0) SUBJECT SITE AND STUDY AREA-BACKGROUND INFORMATION _ <br /> (§ 1.1 and 1:2) The purpose of this project is to create four new parcels from a total area of 9.7 T <br /> acres, and propose to construct single family residential-(SFR) structures on proposed Parcels 2, 3 - <br /> and-4, which are currently vacant. The Welch's-residence <br /> a sea container, and domestic.well cu , septic system,-.a small wooden structure,__ <br /> rrently exist on proposed Parcel 1. Thein is no proposal to _ - <br /> build a second unit dwelling on Parcel 1. Each parcel area and orientations are denoted on the_ <br /> attached Tentative Map, found in Appendix A. (§ 3.7) It is possible EHD would support second <br /> unit dwellings on proposed Parcels 2, 3 and 4, for a total of seven septic systems on the subject <br /> property. . <br /> (§ 1.1-and 2.1) The subject property is near the small town of Peters, one-quarter mile north of <br /> Copperopolis Road. Surrounding property-use consists predominately of low density single family ' <br /> residences, farmland, orchards, ranchettes,`horse ranches;and other,_types of ag buildings-°` The <br /> subject property is currently zoned rural residential. Municipal sewer.will probably never serve this <br /> area, or at-leas't not for several decades. Any of the above land use could create environmental <br /> concerns that maybe discovered in the future..- = " <br /> As depicted on the attached USGS Map and the Tentative Map, the topography of the site is 91 feet <br /> above MSL, with a very slight land declinatiori toward the southwest.-Therefore, septic.system <br /> design criteria for slopes do not have to be considered. <br /> — -Pa e -l- <br /> - Chesney ConsuCtilzg r.- . . <br />