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February 9, 2006 <br /> NOA Project Number: E05163A <br />' that were actually applied. According to Ms. Gallego,when a chemical for which a permit has <br /> been issued is applied to a field, a use report must be filed with the Agricultural Commissioner. <br /> The use reports do not include chemicals for which a permit is not required." <br /> According to EXTOXNET, diazinon is an organophosphate insecticide classified as slightly toxic <br /> to moderately toxic, depending on the formulation. Its average half-life in soil is two to four <br /> weeks. Diazinon has been detected in 54 wells in California. <br /> According to EXTOXNET,oxamyl is an carbamate insecticide classified as a highly toxic <br /> compound in EPA toxicity class I. Oxamyl is very highly toxic to birds, moderately to slightly <br /> toxic to fish, and highly toxic to bees. Oxamyl is of low persistence in soil with reported field half- <br /> lives of 4 to 20 days. Oxamyl has a residual period in plants of.approximately 1 to 2 weeks. It is <br /> considered non-toxic to plants. In a river water study, oxamyl had a half-life of 1 to 2 days. <br /> 3.1.5 Water Supply and Sewage Disposal System <br />'. There is an agricultural well located on the subject property. No records were found on file for <br /> 2820 South Drais Road at EHD on December 7, 2005 nor January 17, 2006.. <br /> IM Depamnent of Oil, Gas, and Geothetmal Resources <br /> The California Department of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) well map W6-112 <br /> was reviewed for evidence of oil or gas wells on or in the vtcuuty of the subject property. No <br /> e <br /> wells are depicted within one-quarter mile of the subject property. <br /> i <br /># 3.1.7 Site Reconnaissance <br /> A visual reconnaissance of the subject property was conducted on January 12, 2006. Photographs <br /> of the subject property are attached to this report as Appendix B. A site visit/assessment <br /> checklist is attached to this report as Appendix D. <br /> The subject property was observed to be a flat rectangular parcel with an orchard. No structures <br /> were on the subject property. There was an agricultural well, an above-ground storage tank, and <br /> � several different types of pipe used for field irrigation on the south side of the property. The <br /> I ! southern and western boundaries of the property are defined by a drainage ditch. The northern <br /> boundary is defined by,a dirt road. The orchard continues on the eastern boundary onto the <br /> adjacent parcel. <br /> Three pole-mounted transformers were observed south of the subject property. <br /> r <br /> Personal Communication,December 28,2005. <br /> 12California Department of Oil,Gas,and Geothermal Resources,2006,well map W6-1. <br /> 7 <br />