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<br /> 1
<br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding (include flood depths and flood panel map numbed:
<br /> D41
<br /> Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water.
<br /> 2- 1-(, 4/
<br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or now the project site(e.g. rivers,creeks,swales or drainage ditches): �
<br /> i
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<br /> Describe the site's topography (e.g. land forms,slopes, etc.):
<br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops,acres,quality of soil,etc.):
<br /> a e G�
<br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of may be present:
<br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent:
<br /> i
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<br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust,vehicle trips per day,fire places, Incinerators,
<br /> etc.):
<br /> C Li n
<br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest on-site(e.g.cemeteries or structures):
<br /> Describe any on-sRe or off-site sources of noise or vibration (e.g.freeway noise, heavy equipment,etc.):
<br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light of glare (e.g. parking lot lighting, or reflective materials used);
<br /> i
<br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g. agricultural wastes);
<br /> Describe any displacement of people thea will be caused by the project(e.g. numbers of people, housing unne):
<br /> F
<br /> t
<br /> -4-
<br />