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FFTheume of the manure stack is estimated to be:x 25 ft long =0.5 x n x 25 x 25 = 982 ft. If the calculated manure production volume <br /> is decreased by 75%for moisture reduction during the warmer months, we have: <br /> ay x(1- 0.75)=23 ft3/day x 240 days (8 mos.)=5,520 ft'. Therefore, the theoreticalm manure production in comparison to the final observed volume, appears to be on the <br /> order of 4:1 for every six months (4,140 ft3 vs. 982 ft). <br /> MANURE MANAGEMENT METHODS WITHIN COVERED PENS AND STORAGE AREAS <br /> As referenced in our Nitrate Loading Study,the facility was a defunct chicken layer ranch at the <br /> time Mr. Stagno purchased the property. Evidenced by Photographic Plates B and C, 96%of the <br /> covered barn is over a concrete floor. The only bare soil are three - 3 ft wide areas that nm north <br /> to south on the west side of the barn. These bare soil areas are where the layer cages were <br /> stacked. The other three- 3 ft wide areas are concrete which were walkways for collecting eggs. <br /> The entire west side of the barn is covered with straw and houses goats and sheep. Straw is used <br /> to absorb urine. When the fecal matter and urine volume increase within the straw to the <br /> point where the straw loses its absorptive capacity, the mixture is hand-raked into the concrete- <br /> lined manure storage area. The straw was not considered in the above manure volume <br /> calculations since there is comparatively rapid decomposition and the total volume is <br /> insignificant since it is raked every four to six months. <br /> The areas where the swine are housed is completely floored in concrete. Manure management <br /> within these pens is controlled in two ways: The pens are hand-scraped every other day with <br /> rubber squeegees (Photographic Plate D). When fecal matter builds up on the concrete to an <br /> extent where it cannot be adequately squeegeed, the pens are washed with a high pressure water <br /> hose. The manure slung is pushed or washed to a central gutter(See Photographic Plate B) where <br /> it can be pushed into a covered or uncovered storage area(Photographic Plates E, F and G), thus <br /> reducing water usage to ultimately move the manure to the storage areas. <br /> After the manure is deposited in these concrete-lined storage areas, the drying of the material is <br /> facilitated by turning it during favorable weather with a front-end loader. Once the material is <br /> sufficiently dried a spreader contractor is notified and the material is taken from the storage area <br /> to an asphalt pad west of the storage area for pick-up(As seen in Photographic Plate A). <br /> As with predicting manure production volumes over a given time period, determination of the <br /> decrease in volume from moisture reduction during the 120-day winter storage time is also <br /> difficult. Since there are comparatively warm, sunny,breezy days during the winter storage time, <br /> and the storage areas will be hydraulically protected from rainfall, a 50%reduction in moisture <br /> content can be expected: 91 ft3/day x(.5)=46 ft'/day x 120 days (4 mos.)= 5,460 ft . Currently, <br /> the east side manure storage area has a storage volume of approximately 2,000 W. The west side <br /> storage area has a storage volume of approximately 2,400 ft , for a total of 4,400 ft'. Therefore, an <br /> additional 1,000 ft' of storage volume should be added to the combined east and west storage areas. <br /> This can be accomplished by adding another course of 8x16-inch block masonry around the <br /> perimeter of the storage area. <br /> Page-3- <br /> Va!!ey Ag Research <br />