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McDowell & Davis Towing <br /> Quarterly Groundwater Sampling Report June 2001 <br /> Page: 2 <br /> SUMMARY FINDINGS <br /> Groundwater was present as an unconfined state at an approximate depth of 62 feet below <br /> ground surface at the McDowell & Davis Towing site on June 27, 2001. <br /> Groundwater Elevations 6-27-01 <br /> Well Collar Elevation DTW GW Elevation <br /> MW-1 118.14 61.81 56.33 <br /> MW-2 118.79 62.04 56.75 <br /> MW-3 118.39 62.42 55.97 <br /> Groundwater flow was to the northwest with a very shallow gradient (0.017 ft/ft). The <br /> potentiometric surface and groundwater flow direction are shown on Figure 2 Site Map / <br /> Groundwater Flow. Laboratory analysis were reported 0.87 to 2.4 mg/1 for gasoline and <br /> 110 to 8.5 ug/1 benzene, 350 to 46 ug/1 Toluene, 48 to 19 ug/l ethyl benzene, 130 to 43 <br /> ug/l xylenes, and 77 to 10 ug/l MTBE. All other oxygenates were reported as not <br /> detected. <br /> The dissolved oxygen concentrations shows a very slight decrease (6.2 to 5.8) in the down <br /> gradient direction which indicates that limited biologic activity in the area of the soil <br /> contamination. The minimal of increase in biologic activity in the area of the plume <br /> suggests that that the release has not caused a significant groundwater impact. <br /> Laboratory Groundwater Sample Results (06-27-2001) <br /> Sample I.D. Gasoline Benzene I Toluene E-Benzene Xylenes I Oxygenates 02 <br /> MW-1 0.87 8.5 46 19 43 10 6.1 <br /> MW-2 1.2 j9---j-6-0---29 93 10 6.2 <br /> MW-3 2.4 110 350 48 130 77 5.8 <br /> ND Non Detect NA=Not Analyzed <br /> Mg/L for gasoline µg/L for BTEX,MTBE,and 8260 Oxygenated Compounds <br /> Gasoline and gasoline constituents were detected in all three monitoring wells at <br /> concentrations that exceed established water quality goals. Gasoline and gasoline <br /> constituents were recognized in soil samples collected at depths of 15 and 25 feet in a <br /> boring in the vicinity of the former dispenser island. The extent of the groundwater <br /> plume, as detected in the current monitoring event, is undefined. The previous <br /> groundwater-monitoring event detected trace (<0.5 ug/1) toluene concentrations in two of <br /> the wells. Additional monitoring of the existing wells should be conducted to confirm the <br /> groundwater impacts detected in the June 2001 event. A survey of potential <br /> contamination plume receptors within 1,000 feet of the point of release should be <br /> conducted to identify potential impacts of the release. If potential receptors are not <br /> identified to the survey, groundwater monitoring should continue to verify plume stability <br /> and degradation. <br />