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McDowell&Davis Towing <br /> �- Subsurface Soil Investigation <br /> +r A clay/silt bed is encountered at 7.5 feet depth in borings B-1, B-2 and B-4. The <br /> • thickness of this unit varies from 5 to 10 ft. The same unit is encountered in <br /> boring B-3 at 12.5 ft. where it is 5 ft. thick. At boring B-3, a silty sand unit cut <br /> �- down into the clay/silt unit during depositional times. <br /> A deeper silt unit is encountered in boring B-2 at 42.5 ft. This unit probably <br /> `r underlies the entire site. Silt/clay — clay/silt units are common in the Modesto <br /> Formation. They result from fluctuations in the level of ice age lakes, which <br /> `" occupied the central portions of the Great Central Valley during the Pliestocene. <br /> Global warming episodes, which were not related to the activities of man, caused <br /> glaciers in the Sierra Nevada Range to alternately advance and retreat both into <br /> and out of the Ancestral Stanislaus River Valley. This resulted in fluctuating lake <br /> levels in the Great Central Valley. <br /> Ground water level in this area is reported at 70 feet in depth. This is well below <br /> the depths explored at this site to date. <br /> 3.2 Soils Contamination <br /> Soils contamination appears to be quite limited at this site. Boring B-2 found <br /> w highly contaminated soils at 15 feet in depth. At the 25 foot depth in this boring, <br /> only traces of contamination were found. At 35 feet in depth in this boring, all <br /> analytes returned ND. Borings B-1, B-3 and B-4 penetrated clean soils. <br /> Migration of contaminates to ground water is unlikely, since the natural capillary <br /> action in the soils would tend to prevent additional downward migration. The <br /> presence of the silt unit at 42.5 ft. beneath the site would tend to form an <br /> additional barrier to downward migration. <br /> 4.0 CONCLUSIONS <br /> It appears that the contamination previously disclosed during the underground tank <br /> removal is limited to about 25 feet in depth, mostly near the fuel islands. Low levels of <br /> Lo Toluene, Xylenes, and MTBE were present in the 25 foot sample from boring B-2 and <br /> non detect in the 35 and 45 foot sample. Soil samples collected near the west end of the <br /> former underground tanks were all non detect. Groundwater has been reported in the <br /> +- immediate area at 70 feet in depth. <br /> Closure of this site can be recommended, however, new concerns regarding the properties <br /> +- of MTBE in the environment may lead to directives involving groundwater sampling. <br /> The above represents our best professional opinion as to environmental conditions at this <br /> site. These opinions were derived using data at hand, and standards of care common to <br /> the environmental consulting community in Northern California. There is the possibility <br /> that even with proper application of the above methodologies, there may exist on the <br /> subject property conditions that could not be identified within the scope of this sampling <br /> 4 <br />