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u u <br /> FFTheUST <br /> operty for this SSCR was in the 10,000 block of Copperopolis Road, while the <br /> is near the 22,500 block- seven miles away. <br /> tes by property owner, which makes it virtuallyimpossible to determine USTs <br /> py to the subject property. In addition, this list was apparently last updated in 2001. <br /> A consultant would have to know every property owner within one-quarter mile of a property under <br /> examination to utilize this "resource." Because of this, I use the GeoTracker System maintained by <br /> the State Water Resources Control Board(See attached). This data base inventories all USTs and <br /> LUSTS on, or near a property under investigation. If it is found that GeoTracker has mapped a tank <br /> near the subject property, then further review of applicable documents are warranted. Additionally, <br /> Section 3.1 of the Checklist references an EHD records search "as an example" to discuss the <br /> methods used to research and investigate the potential or known above and belowground sources of <br /> contamination at the project site. It does not say that "an actual physical review of EHD data for <br /> contamination site listings should always be undertaken." <br /> Mr. Escotto goes on to say that "verbal discussions with EHD staff regarding such information, is <br /> not viewed as a sufficient method of data examination." Where on the SSCR Checklist does it say <br /> this? Verbal conversations with regulators regarding contaminated sites, etc. is always an <br /> acceptable means to acquire environmental data and information, by the simple fact that regulators <br /> and regulatory agencies "hold the keys" to this public information. This brings up another <br /> interesting point that needs to be discussed. Typically, environmental investigations are conducted <br /> for certain groups, such as lenders,property buyers, etc.,that may or may not have access to <br /> applicable information, or may want to hire a firm to do the research and/or attempt to shift liability. <br /> With the SSCR, it is the EHD, which already has most of the pertinent environmental information <br /> (or available access to it)who is requesting the information. In essence,the Development Title is <br /> requiring EHD to force a landowner to hire a consultant to investigate data to which the EHD <br /> already has access. <br /> For the past 15 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you and your staff. We have <br /> accomplished several significant objectives that are quite noteworthy. However, I am finding trivial <br /> issues, as outlined above, to be very cumbersome and nonproductive for me, and as I'm sure you <br /> will agree, for your staff. I am therefore suggesting that a meeting between you, myself and Donna <br /> Heran be set to discuss and to stop this continual changing of the SSCR requirements so that they <br /> do not add an additional workload to your overworked and understaffed Unit, and do not cause me <br /> and other consultants unnecessary time to rebut insignificant issues. Thank you for your attention <br /> to this matter. <br /> Res fu <br /> llyy sub i ed, <br /> Don Che ey <br /> Attachments <br /> Page 3 of 3 �Ji <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />