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Site essmenl for Nunan - 09108/97 Page P OV ID <br /> �.o [MV[M4O(31nVEOX <br /> Leca:g*'on a'-"J�A DOWc71P�C*on <br />' The subject site is located in downtown Lockeford, CA. It was previously used <br /> as a gasoline service station which housed four pump dispensers with <br /> associated piping, three gasoline USTs, and one waste oil UST. Most of the <br /> site is covered by asphalt except for the concrete slab under the building and <br /> in the vicinity of the former dispenser islands. The site is basically flat and <br /> surface drainage appears to flow to the alley way at the rear of the property. <br />' L2 P®s4 OnV33 0aa bons <br /> Three gasoline USTs were removed from one pit and one waste oil UST was <br />' removed from another pit on July 19, 1991. Soil sampling of the pits and soil <br /> waste stockpiles ensued immediately thereafter. The pits were backfilled <br /> with '/s inch pea gravel and the waste soil was manifested offsite by <br />' Contaminated Soil Hazardous Waste Hauler, Erickson Inc., of Richmond. The <br /> main indicator chemical for gasoline, benzene, was found at very low levels <br /> in the soil (i.e. no higher than 2.3 ppm) in the vicinity of the former gasoline <br /> USTs. No benzene was identified in the vicinity of the former dispensers and <br /> associated piping. No PCBs or chlorinated solvents were found to be <br /> associated with the former waste oil tank. Some metals were found; <br /> however, ozone could be considered to be ea risk due to the Bow <br /> cancentr¢attans identified. <br /> L3 354e NydrO230D®O)y <br /> The Mokelumne River is located approximately one mile to the north and to <br /> the west of the site and the intermittent Bear Creek runs approximately 3/4 <br /> of a mile to the southeast of the site. The site lies over a deep alluvial basin <br /> composed of shallow sandy clays with a hard pan and deeper sands. <br /> Groundwater lies beneath two, 13 to 49 foot thick, laterally continuous, clay <br /> layers, at a depth of 89 to 117 feet bgs (see Figure 1 for supply well locations <br />' and Appendix A for associated data). No shallow perched water was shown <br /> on the driller logs nor was encountered in the boreholes. <br /> Sc6uadua a a� AaivMes <br /> The following activities were performed according to the following schedule: <br /> 1. Six soil borings were drilled to the following depths bgs: <br />