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total depth of 56 6 feet, and constructed with 2-inch diameter PVC casing and <br /> • 0 020 inch slotted well screen Both wells were screened from a depth of 25 feet <br /> below ground surface to the extent of the wells Appendix A in SEACOR's report <br /> contains well construction details <br /> Based on visual inspection and field instrumentation, 3 to 4 soil samples from <br /> each boring were submitted to a laboratory and analyzed for total petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) , and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes <br /> (BTEX) One sample from each boring was also analyzed for total lead and EDB <br /> None of the soil samples were found to contain detectable concentrations of TPH- <br /> g, with the exception of those collected from W-8 (7, 900 ppm at 20 feet, 1 ,400 <br /> ppm at 45 feet, and 1, 700 ppm at 55 feet) Toluene (up to 120 ppm) , ethylbenzene <br /> (up to 110 ppm) , and xylenes (up to 700 ppm) were also indicated in the samples <br /> collected from W-8 Residual concentrations of BTEX and total lead were present <br /> in several samples collected from SB-7, W-7(SB-8) , and SB-9 , however, these did <br /> not appear to be present at concentrations of concern EDB was not indicated in <br /> any of the samples Table 1 in SEACOR's report summarizes analytical results and <br /> Appendix B contains laboratory reports <br /> Conclusions <br /> Based on the results of the site assessment, it appears that an additional <br /> investigation is warranted at this site Although the lateral extent of <br /> hydrocarbon-impacted soil has been defined to the northwest (by W-5 and SB-6) , <br /> west (by SB-4) , southwest (by SB-7 and W-7) , south (by W-6) , and east (by SB-9) , <br /> it has not been defined to the north and northeast of the former tank system <br /> The vertical extent of impacted soils appears to have been defined in all areas <br /> with the exception of the north and northeast portions of the site <br /> Future Site Activities <br /> At this time, a cost estimate has been received from SEACOR for an additional <br /> investigation to define the extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soils at the subject <br /> site Upon issuing a work order, SEACOR will prepare a workplan for the proposed <br /> additional activities <br /> I apologize for the delayed submittal of this report and hope that it has not <br /> inconvenienced you Should you have any additional questions regarding these <br /> matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at (206) 286-4495 If I am <br /> unavailable, Kevin Murphy may be able to answer any questions that you may have <br /> Sincerely, <br /> 4/ <br /> Anastasia E Duarte <br /> Environmental Toxicologist <br /> cc Ms Beth Thayer <br /> California Regional Water Quality Control Board <br /> aed\1un93\4049 115 <br />