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native soils within the tank bed, and there was little threat to groundwater, it <br /> was used to backfill the excavation (It has been Time Oil's intent to assess <br /> and remediate this soil concurrent with the remediation of the former tank bed ) <br /> Soil and Groundwater Investigation <br /> Base���ie ,an�.,l,, results of the soil samples collected during the tank <br /> removal, a site assessment sated in Auiist 3�T9to -eterrnina the extent <br /> of`contamination at the above-referenced site Prior to the implementation of <br /> fie d activities, Canonie's workplan dated July 24, 1992 was submitted for your <br /> review Authorization to proceed with the proposed work was received from the <br /> Environmental Health Division on August 4, 1992 <br /> On August`_iL9�2,— -sQil yap�surve -y�as performed to assist in determining <br /> the vertical and lateral extent of contamination at the subject site A <br /> pneumatic hammer was utilized to drive 13 soil vapor probes to depths of up to <br /> 13 feet in the vicinity of the former tanks Vacuum pumps and charcoal tubes <br /> were used to collect vapor samples from each probe at various depths <br /> Immediately after collection, each sample was submitted to an onsite mobile lab <br /> where it was extracted and injected into a gas chromatograph <br /> Due to the presence of hardpan just below the ground surface, the results of the <br /> soil vapor survey were fairly limited, as no probes could be advanced deeper than <br /> 13 feet The survey verified the presence of contamination within the former <br /> tank bed and suggested that the hardpan layer had not been affected A copy of <br /> the soil vapor survey report is included as Appendix B of the site assessment <br /> report <br /> During the week of September 28 , 1992, a mobile drill ri was utilized to advance <br /> dour i n ree �pno extr io e is and insta t ree vapor <br /> in et we s Aur ng fie d activiso were found to con ar pan to <br /> a depth of approximately 15 feet, this strata was underlain by loose fine to <br /> medium sands Dense silty sands and sandy silts were generally encountered at <br /> depths of 30 to 35 feet to the extent of the borings Groundwater was not <br /> encountered during field activities The attached report indicates that <br /> groundwater is generally encountered at depths of 100 feet in the vicinity of the <br /> subject site <br /> Drilling at each location was continued until hydrocarbon contamination was no <br /> longer indicated by field instrumentation Accordingly, borings SBI, SB3, and <br /> SB4 were terminated at a depth of 40 feet while SB2 (W1) was advanced to 45 feet <br /> Wells W3 , W5, and W6 were installed to 40 feet, while W4 was installed to 30 feet <br /> and W2 was installed to 45 feet Wells Wl, W2, W3 were installed as 4-inch <br /> diameter vapor extraction wells , and wells W4, W5 , and W6 were installed as 2- <br /> inch diameter vapor inlet wells Although all of the wells were constructed <br /> using 0 020 slotted casing, the screened intervals in each well vary depending <br /> on well depth and field observations Appendix D in the attached report contains <br /> detailed well borings Boring and well locations are indicated on Figure 2 <br /> Canonie's report <br /> Three soil samples from each boring were submitted for analysis based on field <br /> screening and visual observation (Only 2 samples were submitted from W3 ) Each <br /> of the selected samples was analyzed for TPH, BTEX, and ethylene dibromide <br /> Results indicate that soil contamination is generally limited to the area of the <br />