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i <br /> Soil samples were collected every 5 feet or at obvious changes in lithology using a split spoon <br /> sampler containing three, 2-inch diameter by 6-inch long brass sample tubes. Soil samples were <br /> collected from the sampler in brass tubes and sealed with teflon tape and plastic end-caps. The soil <br /> !~ samples were labeled with the appropriate borehole information, time and date of collection, and <br /> placed on ice for subsequent transport to and analysis at Excelchem Environmental labs located in <br /> Roseville, California. Chain-of-custody procedures were followed at all times. Selected soil <br /> samples were analyzed using TPHg and benzene,toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), <br /> using modified EPA Method 8015, and EPA Method 8020 respectively. <br /> 1 3.4 Groundwater Monitor Well Installation <br /> Six groundwater monitor wells (MW-5, MW-6, MW-7, MW-8, MW-9, and MW-10) were <br /> constructed at the site. A relatively large amount of screen was used to construct each well because <br /> historical data from quarterly monitoring indicated a wide seasonal fluctuation of the water table <br /> elevation. Each monitor well was constructed of 2-inch diameter, 0.020-inch machine slot, Schedule <br /> 40 polyvinylchloride(PVC)well screen, installed from the bottom of the borehole (100 feet bgs) to <br /> approximately 65 feet bgs. Two-inch diameter blank PVC casing completed the well from the top <br /> of the screened interval to within 112-foot of surface grade. A filter pack consisting of 43 Monterey <br /> sand was placed in the annular space from the bottom of the boring to approximately 2-feet above <br /> the screened interval. A sanitary seal consisting of 2-feet of hydrated bentonite chips was placed on <br /> top of the filter pack,the remaining annulus was grouted with Portland cement to within 1 foot of <br /> ground surface. The groundwater monitor wells were completed at ground surface with an 8-inch <br /> diameter water tight traffic-rated street box set in concrete, and locked,using a water tight well cap. <br /> 3.5 Groundwater Monitor Well Development and Surveying <br /> After installation, the monitor wells were checked for floating liquid hydrocarbon by lowering a <br /> clean teflon bailer down the well and collecting a sample at the groundwater interface. No floating <br /> !=_ liquid hydrocarbon was obtained in any of the newly installed monitor wells. Monitor wells MW-5, <br /> MW-6, MW-7, and MW-8, were developed by using a mechanical bailer to alternately surge the <br /> j screened portion of the well bore and purge the sediment laden water. Monitor wells MW-9 and <br /> MW-10 were hand developed by using a PVC bailer. Development continued until five to ten well <br /> volumes of groundwater were removed, and/or the water produced was relatively sediment free. The <br /> top of casing of each completed groundwater monitor well was then surveyed to an arbitrary datum <br /> (100 feet)to within the nearest 0.01 foot,and accurately located on a site map by Morrow Surveying, <br /> Inc. of West Sacramento, California, a licensed professional survey company. Monitor well survey <br /> elevations are presented in Table 1. A photocopy of the Morrow Surveying blueprint depicting well <br /> locations and elevations is contained in Appendix B. <br /> 3.6 Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling <br /> Depth to groundwater was obtained from the newly installed and existing groundwater monitor wells <br /> -, at the site using a water level indicator graduated to 0.01 foot. The depth to groundwater <br /> _ measurement was converted to a groundwater elevation for each well and used to construct a <br /> potentiometric surface map (Figure 4), and calculate the local groundwater flow direction and <br /> hydraulic gradient. The groundwater potentiometric surface elevation averaged approximately 75.26 <br /> Job No.)0710-001-01SECOR <br /> LOCKEFORD.rNV 0c1ober9,1995 <br /> i_ <br />