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u <br /> • <br /> gasoline and 1 92 ppb benzene Table 2 in the attached report summarizes historical analytical data, <br /> and laboratory reports for the most recent sampling event are included as Appendix B <br /> Conclusions <br /> To date, the extent of groundwater impacts have not been defined in any direction Between the First <br /> and Second Quarters of 1996, gasoline and BTEX concentrations decreased slightly in all of the wells <br /> The observed fluctuations in hydrocarbon concentrations may be a result of a general increase in the <br /> groundwater elevation or a result of natural attenuation, however, not enough data has been collected to <br /> evaluate their significance Future data will be used to evaluate if significant trends in hydrocarbon <br /> concentrations in groundwater exist <br /> Current Site Activities <br /> During the week of July 15, 1996, five additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the <br /> vicinity of the subject site to assist in defining the lateral extent of groundwater impacts A sixth well, <br /> which could not be installed due to the presence of overhead power Imes, will be installed with a limited <br /> access drill ng during the week of July 29, 1996 Following the installation of the final well, SECOR will <br /> generate a report documenting field activities and containing analytical results of soil and groundwater <br /> samples collected during the additional investigation <br /> If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at <br /> (206) 286-4495 <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Time Oil Co <br /> �IG�4fG�OCG ��GfGvi� <br /> Anastasia E Duarte-Wilkinson <br /> Environmental Toxicologist <br /> cc Ms Elizabeth Thayer <br /> California Regional Water Quality Control Board <br /> JUMS%4649122 doe <br />