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0 <br /> purpose of the survey, as well as a water well survey form, was left at the property with a self-addressed <br /> stamped envelope Copies of the letter and survey form are included in Attachment B <br />' A total of 116 properties were identified within 2,000 ft of the site Of the 116 properties, an <br /> interview was conducted with residents or tenants at 32 of the properties No private drinking water wells <br /> were identified at these properties, and several of the people interviewed stated that no private drinking <br /> water wells were present within Lockeford The water well survey form and letter were left at 59 <br /> properties Because of access limitations, such as a gate or dog, letters were not delivered to 24 <br /> properties Of the 59 water well surveys, 4 surveys were returned No private drinking water wells were <br /> identified at the properties that responded to the survey One property did not have a resident or tenant <br /> available, and appeared to be abandoned A summary of information obtained during the door-to-door <br />' survey is presented in Table 1 <br /> Additional Groundwater Sampling Event <br /> On August 13 and 14, 2005, Landau Associates conducted an additional groundwater sampling <br />' event The following sections describe the collection of water level measurements, groundwater <br /> sampling, and results of the sampling event <br /> Water Level Measurements <br />' On August 13, 2005, Landau Associates field personnel collected water level measurements from <br /> ten monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-10) located at the site and on adjacent properties An oil/water <br />' interface probe was used to measure the depth to water in each well to an accuracy of 0 01 ft and free <br /> product thickness, if encountered Prior to use at each well, the interface probe was decontaminated with <br /> an Alconox� solution and rinsed with deionized water The depth to water from a designated location on <br /> the top of each well casing was recorded No free product was encountered in any of the wells Two of <br />' the monitoring wells were dry (MW-5 and MW-8) Depth to water, wellhead elevations, and <br /> groundwater elevations for each well are presented in Table 2 <br /> The groundwater flow direction was calculated from the measured groundwater elevations and <br /> 1 wells survey data The calculations for water level measurements indicate an overall groundwater flow <br /> direction to the south-southwest, at an average gradient of 0 03 foot per foot A site map is provided on <br />' Figure 2 Estimated groundwater contours are shown on Figure 3 <br /> 1 <br />' 11111/05 51Edmdatalpr0lects1231tiO3M003 Lmkeford\FdeRm\RTmal Closure Letter doe 2 LANDAu ASSOCIATES <br />