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4 0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> Soil stratigraphy beneath the site and site vicinity consisted predominantly of sand and silty <br /> sand with some gravel, with discontinuous interbedded layers of silt and clay mixtures <br /> containing varying amounts of sand <br /> Groundwater was initially encountered at depths ranging from 71 feet to 90 feet bgs in the <br /> borings, mainly in sandy clay underlying the sand and gravel Between January 1995 and <br /> October 2004, depth to water within site wells has generally ranged from 64 to 87 feet bgs, and <br /> has historically been measured as deep as 93 feet bgs in well MW-10 Groundwater monitoring <br /> results are summarized to Table 3 Since October 13, 1997, groundwater flow at the site has <br /> historically been reported to the south-southwest at an average gradient of approximately 0 04 <br /> ft/ft (Table 8) A local radially Inward gradient existed in the southern portion of the site A <br /> groundwater elevation contour map from the most recent quarterly monitoring event performed <br /> on October 4, 2004 is presented as Figure 4 <br /> Boring logs are presented in Appendix C Historical geologic cross-sections are provided in <br /> Appendix F <br /> Time Oil Asmt&SCM doe 7 March 17,2005 <br /> 770T 41658 00 0015 <br />