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SVEIAS system was shut down Although residual petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations <br /> remain present beneath the site, the operation of the SVEIAS system resulted in the <br /> achievement of site remediation goals <br /> (13) Mass balance calculation of substance treated versus that remaining; <br /> Estimated mass balance calculations using TPHg data collected before the implementation of <br /> remedial action were previously submitted to the RWQCB in SECOR's Corrective Action Plan, <br /> dated September 8, 1998 According to assumptions outlined in the historical estimated mass <br /> calculations included in Appendix K, an estimated 24,355 pounds of residual TPHg was present <br /> in soil before remediation at depths ranging between 25 and 100 feet bgs Operation of the <br /> SVEIAS system from December 1999 through September 2003, and from June through <br /> November 2004 (Table 6) resulted in the estimated removal and treatment of approximately <br /> 38,894 2 pounds of TPHg, which exceeded the initial estimate by approximately 14,539 2 <br /> pounds <br /> Due to the limited amount of post-confirmation soil sampling data, petroleum hydrocarbon mass <br /> remaining in soil was estimated based on the assumptions outlined in Appendix K and the area <br /> over which pre-remediation concentrations were detected in soil borings in the vicinity of the <br /> source areas (in the vicinity of the USTs and pump islands) Based on these criteria, <br /> approximately 937 7 pounds of TPHg remain beneath the site <br /> Estimated TPHg mass in groundwater before and after remediation were calculated using <br /> assumptions outlined in Appendix K Based on these assumptions, approximately 37 84 <br /> pounds of petroleum hydrocarbon mass were present in groundwater before remediation Due <br /> to shrinkage of the dissolved plume beneath the site over time, with residual impacts currently <br /> centered in the area of well MW-1, the estimated area of impact used for post-remediation <br /> dissolved TPHg mass calculations is significantly smaller Based on these assumptions, <br /> approximately 35 14 pounds of TPHg remain within groundwater beneath the site This post- <br /> remediation mass estimate may be somewhat high due to the elevated average TPHg <br /> concentration used in the calculation <br /> (14) Assumptions, parameters, calculations and model used in risk assessments, <br /> and fate and transport modeling, <br /> Information pertaining to RBCA assessments previously performed at the site is included In <br /> SECOR's Corrective Action Plan dated September 8, 1998 <br /> (15) Rationale why conditions remaining at site will not adversely impact water <br /> quality, health, or other beneficial uses, and <br /> I Residual petroleum hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater beneath and in the vicinity of the site <br /> will not adversely impact water quality health or other beneficial uses based on the following <br /> o The majority of the source of petroleum hydrocarbons has been removed from beneath <br /> the site <br /> 0 Two municipal wells were found within a 2,000-foot radius of the site One well is <br /> located approximately 900 feet northeast (upgradient) Although the other well is located <br /> Time Oil Asmt&SCM doc 20 March 17,2005 <br /> 1 770T 41 658 00 0015 <br />