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sand, which extends to 25 or 30 feet in all borings A relatively widespread clay or clayey silt <br /> bed is present from 35 to 40 feet, but below 30 feet the dominant lithology is sand in all <br /> borings The base occurs at 78 feet in MW-5 Greenish gray silt is present to the bottom of <br /> the boring at 85 feet <br /> The depth to groundwater ranged from 72 to 73 feet in January 1994 The calculated <br /> elevation of this surface was anomalously low in MW-5 Therefore, the depths to <br /> groundwater were remeasured in February 1994 The elevation of water in MW-5 was again <br /> anomalously low. The gradient averages apprommately 0 003 ft/ft directed S 10° W for both <br /> monitoring events This gradient is more shallow than the previous gradient of 0 05 ft/ft <br /> directed westward (November 1992) <br /> TPas gasoline asoline was detected in the water sample from MW-2 at 85 ppb Benzene was <br /> detected in samples from MW-2 and MW-6 Toluene was detected in MW-2 and MW-5 <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES <br /> 3.1 Monitoring Well Purge Procedures <br /> On May 4, 1994, the water levels in all six wells were measured relative to the top of the <br /> casing using a Solinst water level meter (Table 1) After water levels were measured, a PVC <br /> bailer was used to purge approximately 4 to 6 gallons (minimum of three well volummes) <br /> of water from each well 'Temperature, pH and conductivity were measured at one-gallon <br /> intervals Stabilization data and field logs are included in Appendix A The purge water was <br /> stored in 55-gallon drums on-site <br /> 3.2 Groundwater Sample Collection and Analysis <br /> Water samples were collected from each well using new disposable plastic bailers Three 40- <br /> ml EPA vials of water were collected from each well and transported in a chilled container <br /> to McCampbell Analytical, Inc in Pacheco (MAI) Each sample was analyzed for total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and purgeable aromatics (BTE&X) in <br /> accordance with EPA methods 8015m and 602 Laboratory reports and chain-of-custody <br /> forms are presented in Appendix B <br /> 3.3 Soil Disposal <br /> On May 11, 1994, 17 drums of soil were removed from the site and transported to 11490 <br /> North Alpine Road The drums contained auger returns from bonngs MW-5, MW-6, B-7 <br />' and B-8 Analytical results from these borings indicated that the soil was not impacted by <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons The soil was spread next to the driveway near the residence at <br /> 11490 North Alpine Road <br /> —1-P-1 wee„S..Is. 5 <br /> L-W-1d Bft o awes-M40-S <br />