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APPLICATION- MINOR SUBDIVISION <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> fENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION J <br /> Water,Drainage and Flooding <br /> Describe any areas sub/ecf to flooding(Include good depths and good panel map number): <br /> None <br /> Describe ffro current depffr o/the ground wafer and depth fo potable water: <br /> nImown <br /> DescrThe any exlsfing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the pro/ecf site(e.g.rivers creeks swafes or drainage ditches): <br /> None <br /> Land,Land Use and Blots <br /> Describe fhe sffe's topogmphy( forms,slopes etc.): Slopes naturally to northeast. South boundary <br /> line at northerly right-of-way of aqueduct has 15'-20' high berm between canal <br /> and aqueduct right-of-way. <br /> Describe agricultural land(hat will be lost as a result of the pro/ecf((ype of crops acres,quality of soft,etc.): <br /> None <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-sffe andspecies that are of may be present: <br /> None known <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent; Forage oats over all farmable land except <br /> APN 253-140-04, which is not economically farmable. <br /> Air Quagfy <br /> Describe al pollutants(hot may rasuit from the pm/ecf( related dust vehicle trips per day,fire places Incinerators etc.): _ <br /> None <br /> Other <br /> Describe any Ifems of hl fo Ical or archaeological Interest on slfe(e.g.cemefedes or structures): <br /> None known <br /> Describe any on-site or of(-site sources of noise or vibratlon(e. .free" noise,heavy a ul menf,etc.): <br /> None <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light of gfore(e.g.parking lof lighting or renectve materials usedp — <br /> None <br /> Descrlhe an on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.agricultural wastes): None other than normal farming <br /> Describe any displacement of people That will be caused by the project(e g numbers of people housing uni(s): <br /> None <br /> -4- <br />