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FTheutopies of air and/or noise pollution were not addressed in this report since they do not applyrface and subsurface contamination. Air pollution may be a possibility from surrounding <br /> mercial facilities,particularly gravel quarries,but this has no bearing on surface/subsurface <br /> amination. <br /> The owners of the two pipelines traversing the property have been identified and documented by <br /> the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Although leakage or rupture information was not made <br /> available by this agency due to privacy issues, any release of petroleum under the subject <br /> property would be the responsibility of the documented owners. Before drilling percolation Sest <br /> bor�nes_on Pub<pLgperty, the pipeline owners will be contacted.fgz'„the.. tcecise location.of.the.s <br /> pipelines. jae owner ._.. <br /> The environmental fate information for DDT and its degradates document an affinity for organic <br /> matter. Since the property has been in agricultural production in the past, organic matter in these <br /> soils would be assumed to be higher than in non-agricultural soils. However, the changes in soil <br /> chemistry brought on by certain environmental factors such as ultraviolet light and oxidation <br /> from plowing will definitely lead to an increase in soil organic matter decomposition and <br /> subsequent DDT degradation (if it even exists). <br /> Potential sources contributing nitrate to the groundwater upgradient to the property include the 6/O <br /> Pomboa 1Z0LtMrM so_u_tRiern end of Tracy Boulevard."Ifis1`hiTiF tliat a medium 3 <br /> Gpgntration of nitrate exis s_in the on-si a w�£ 'ell" owevei,it is impossi e o etermme the <br /> nitrate concentration un eerr the subject property without drilling test wells that may be developed <br /> into domestic wells. Factors decreasing the groundwater nitrate concentration include <br /> denitrification, groundwater movement(both vertical and horizontal), well pumping and well <br /> hydraulics, and low nitrate concentration water recharge from the Plain View Irrigation District <br /> water. <br /> If development occurs on the property, nitrogen fertilizer must be carefully applied to lawns, <br /> gardens, landscaping and the agricultural acreage surrounding each homesite. Due to the <br /> existing nitrate concentration upgradient to the property, slow release nitrogen fertilizers should <br /> be used for lawn and landscape fertilization and nitrogen applications made to cropland based <br /> upon soil analysis. <br /> Page -5- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />