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R 0021003 <br /> 5. GROUNDWATER <br /> Groundwater was not encountered in the borings drilled for this investigation. Lines of <br /> Equal Depth to Groundwater contour maps published in groundwater reports by the <br /> San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (1982 to 1999) <br /> show groundwater levels in the project area ranging from about 160 to 180 feet below <br /> ground surface. Based on Lines of Equal Elevation of Groundwater contour maps, the <br /> groundwater gradient in the project area is generally from east to west. Local gradient <br /> variations may occur due to well usage. <br /> At the time of our field investigation, two agricultural wells were located along the west <br /> side of parcel 009-170-04. These wells were out of service at the time of our <br /> investigation. No new wells are planned to be constructed within the project area. <br /> The results of the groundwater analysis to determine the concentrations of nitrate (N) <br /> in the water sampled from the off-site well indicated a concentration of 0.75 mg/l. This <br /> nitrate concentration is below the groundwater standard of 10 mg/l. DBCP was not <br /> present in detectable amounts. Copies of the test results and the chain-of-custody are <br /> presented on Plate 18. <br /> We do not know of groundwater contamination issues at the project site at this time. <br /> No underground storage tanks are known to exist on the site and no gas stations or <br /> dairies are located adjacent to the site. The potential sources of nitrate in the project <br /> area include the grazing of cattle and horses; existing septic systems for single-family <br /> housing located in the project area; and any fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that <br /> may be used for agricultural purposes in the area. After the parcels are split, we <br /> anticipate that the on-site sources of nitrate will be limited to the use of pesticides on <br /> the planned vineyards. <br /> 6. SOIL PROFILE <br /> The subsurface soil encountered in our soil profile borings consisted of sandy silt to <br /> sandy clay to a depth of approximately 2 to 9 feet below existing site grade underlain <br /> by discontinuous and interbedded layers of cemented clayey sand. gravelly sand, and <br /> silty sand to sandy silt to the depths explored. <br /> The Soil Survey of San Joaquin County, California published by the U.S. Department <br /> of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (1992) refers to the near-surface soil within <br /> the project area as belonging to the Corning-Redding complex soil series (Map <br /> Symbol 135 and 136), Redding Gravelly Loam soil series (Map Symbol 220), and the <br /> Yellowlark Gravelly Loam soil series (Map Symbol 280). These soils are all described <br /> as being "well drained" and having "severe" percolation characteristics for septic tank <br /> 57558.G0 VST05R887R August 25.2005 <br /> -Y-2005 Kleinfelder.Inc. Page 3 of 5 <br />