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APPLICATION- SITE APPROVAL <br /> SAN JOAQUIN-COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> r i , • � <br /> "I 1A 14' <br /> 41 t !.4, <br /> QNMENT - <br /> bNA/�PAPE +�l 'Sr.NECES�ARVI�4 .3, <br /> Deem"saw was,a~is owding(include good daptni;and flood panel map nitinber)f <br /> Describe On ci~dapW of Ow ground wetter and depth to potable water. <br /> AIM" <br /> I Describe any*xISVng drainage COLIrZOS 01 Gf02j0 esL:s on or C *prol"t she(e.g.rivers.Creeks,swales or drainage ditches): <br /> 1p,ve r <br /> Describe <br /> Describe the she's 1��op�bgrvphy( forms slopes,sfcj� <br /> Describe agricull"t land <br /> that will be lost as a muff of the pmjacf a N ere s,acres,qualify of soll,stcjr <br /> Describe any wildiffe,habitat an•zlfe ands eclus that are of May be Present <br /> Describe any vegetation on-SHO by type and safe V <br /> 7% 77 <br /> 156.iN <br /> DeschlbeakpoOlAtants mat MaYresult from the Pf0J*cj(e.g,construction relaladdusf.vehicle trips parday,fireplaces,Incinerators,etc.): <br /> Rig <br /> cemeteries orstructures): <br /> Describe any*"its or of.&No sources of not,e or y1brallon(ag.Imemy noise,heavy squipmem,ata): <br /> rd <br /> Describe any on-she or off4lim,sources,offight of plans(ag.parking lot lighting,or nefisetive materials used): <br /> Describe an ori-she or effshe some of odor(sg.agricuftuml waste i: <br /> (%,nkk� kAyLa 01L 146flAw"-f- ogslk-& lcGf <br /> - <br /> Describe any displacement of Reople that will be caused by the pruloct(e.g.numbers of people,housing units): <br /> 3 <br />