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EXPLANATION OF TERMS <br /> BLANK QA/QC - Analyte free sample analyzed to determine if background contamination is present in any instrument or techniques used for analysis. z <br /> TYPES <br /> DLR => Detection Limit for Reporting purposes. <br /> MDL => Method Detection Limit. This number represents the smallest non-zero value that FGL can reproduce for a method. The DLR must <br /> be greater than or equal to the MDL. <br /> CALIBRATION QA/QC - Standard analyzed to determine the Accuracy of any instruments and/or techniques used for analysis. <br /> TYPES <br /> ICY => Independent Calibration Verification standard. Analyzed to check the accuracy of the standard used to calibrate an instrument or technique. <br /> CCV => Continuing Calibration Verification standard. Analyzed to check the accuracy of the instrument or technique calibration. / <br /> LCS > Laboratory Control Standard. Analyzed to check the accuracy of the entire method from prep thru analysis. c <br /> DLS > Detection Level Standard. Used for verification and determination of MDL. <br /> METHOD QA/QC - Matrix specific samples analyzed to determine accuracy and/or precision of the entire method. <br /> TYPES <br /> Dup => Samples are prepared and analyzed in Duplicate to determine the Precision of the method. The RPD or Relative Percent Difference is calculated and <br /> compared to the MAV for all constituents. <br /> BS > Blank Spike / Blank Spike Duplicate. A Laboratory Blank matrix is Spiked with a known amount of analyte then prepared and analyzed along with a <br /> batch of samples. <br /> MS => Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate. A Client provided matrix is Spiked with a known amount of analyte then prepared and analyzed along with a <br /> batch of samples. <br /> CALCULATIONS <br /> % REC => Percent Recovery of an analyte introduced (spiked) at a know level (Concentration). % REL should be within the AR. <br /> AR => Acceptance range of the % REC for an analyte. The AR is determined by averaging all % REC data for a specific matrix and then calculating the <br /> 95 % confidence interval. <br /> % DIF => (Relative) Percent Difference of a sample analyzed in duplicate. % DIF should be <= MAV. <br /> MAV => Maximum Acceptance Value for the % DIF of an analyte. The MAV is determined by averaging all % DIF data for a specific matrix and then calculating <br /> the 95 % confidence interval. <br /> Conc. => The theoretical amount of analyte present in the sample prior to analysis. <br /> • => Indicates a special or modified DLR was applied for the acceptance criteria. <br /> => Indicates the average concentration spiked for MS/MSD or BS/BSD when the concentration spiked was not identical for both QC samples. <br />