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GEOTECHNICAL <br /> NEIL O. ANDERSON ENVIRONMENTAL <br /> A N D A S S O C I A T E S INSPECTIONS a TESTING <br /> LABORATORY SERVICES <br /> POOL ENGINEERING <br /> POST TENSION DESIGN <br /> March 19, 2007 ti `.'(..:^�'ai,�� D <br /> NOA Project Number: E06008A <br /> iv+A^! 2 i 2007 <br /> Steven Shih <br /> San Joaquin County Environmental Health DepartmentF '';!1.,;�" HEALTH <br /> 304 E. Weber Avenue, <br /> Pl,rr. : . a_RIICES <br /> Third Floor <br /> Stockton CA 95202 <br /> Subject: Update Letter for Surface Et Subsurface Contamination Report <br /> 3366, 3704, 3708 East Miner Avenue <br /> Stockton, CA <br /> Dear Steven, <br /> Per our conversation Thursday, this letter is intended to update the above Surface Et Subsurface <br /> Contamination Report (SSCR), dated February 23, 2006. <br /> There has been some confusion regarding parcel numbers for this property. Our original report <br /> discussed APNs 143-350-19, -20, and -21. The report also included APN 143-350-22, though the <br /> parcel number was not discussed in the text for the sake of consistency with the tentative parcel <br /> map provided by the client. We understand from speaking to you that APN 143-350-23 is now <br /> considered part of the project as well. Since this parcel is vacant and has no address, there <br /> would be no way to search databases for it, and therefore its omission from the original report <br /> is not considered significant. In addition, we understand that the two parcels in question may <br /> have already been merged with the adjacent parcels. <br /> A new site reconnaissance was conducted on March 15, 2007. The subject property consisted of <br /> vacant land covered in seasonal grasses with a loop road at its center. A sound wall was located <br /> on the property parallel to the highway. APN 143-350-23 was observed to consist of vacant land <br /> with small trees and seasonal grasses on the west side of the property, and a grass-covered slope <br /> Leading up to the Myrtle Street overpass on the southern side of the property. APN 143-350-22 <br /> was observed to be a paved continuation of Miner Avenue, ending at the sound wall. A few <br /> pieces of trash were observed on the property, and a small area of construction debris was <br /> observed near the southeast corner of the property. Overall, site conditions appeared consistent <br /> with those noted in the previous report, and no significant environmental concerns were <br /> observed. A revised site map is attached. <br /> The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department (EHD) was contacted regarding any <br /> new records on file for the subject property since the date of the previous report. According to <br /> LODI ■ SACRAMENTO ■ MODESTO <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION 902 Industrial Way,Lodi,California 95240 0 209.367.3701 ■ 209.369.4228 0 w .no=dersonxom <br />